
第33章 对外英语广播的主持艺术——“综艺类”(1)

Part-3 Broadcast Presenting in English-“Arts&Entertaining”



对外英语广播“综艺类”节目主持人的独特掌控方法和效果,不是以其个体才艺的展示为出发点的。然而,令受众不能忽视又形成难以忘怀的效应,又完全不是主持人个人创作的结果。这就归结到了处于这一位置的从业者遵从的职业心理态势——Journalistic Performance(新闻式展现)。







1)Docusoap:A television programme about the lives of real people,presented as entertainment.A genre of reality television in the style of a documentary in which an apparent plot is constructed by intention or editing in order to make programmes in this genre resemble soap operas.[http://www.allwords.com/word-docusoap.html]

2)Reality television:It is a genre of television programming that presents purportedly uned dramatic or humorous situations,documents actual events,and usually features ordinary people instead of professional actors.Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television,the term reality television is most commonly used to describe programs of this genre produced since 2000.Documentaries and nonfictional programming such as news and sports shows are usually not classified as reality shows.

The genre covers a wide range of programming formats,from game or quiz shows which resemble the frantic,often demeaning shows produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s(such as Gaki no tsukai),to surveillance-or voyeurism-focused productions such as Big Brother.

Reality television frequently portrays a modified and highly influenced form of reality,utilizing sensationalism to attract viewers to generate advertising profits.Participants are often placed in exotic locations or abnormal situations,and are sometimes coached,to act in certain ed ways by off-screen“story editors”or“segment producers,”with the portrayal of events and speech manipulated and contrived to create an illusion of reality through editing and other post-production techniques.[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality-television]

3)Infotainment:It is“information-based media content or programming that also includes entertainment content in an effort to enhance popularity with audiences and consumers.”It is a neologistic portmanteau of information and entertainment,referring to a type of media which provides a combination of information and entertainment.According to many dictionaries infotainment is always television,and the term is“mainly disapproving.”However,many self-described infotainment websites exist which provide a variety of functions and services.

The label“infotainment”is emblematic of concern and criticism that journalism is devolving from a medium which conveys serious information about issues that affect the public interest,into a form of entertainment which happens to have fresh“facts”in the mix.The criteria by which reporters and editors judge news value-whether something is worth putting on the front page,the bottom of the hour,or is worth commenting on at all-are integral parts of this debate.Some blame the media for this perceived phenomenon,for failing to live up to ideals of civic journalistic responsibility.Others blame the commercial nature of many media organizations,the need for higher ratings,combined with a preference among the public for feel-good content and“unimportant”topics(like celebrity gossip or sports).In her critique of infotainment News Flash,Bonnie Anderson cited the CNN lead story of February 2,2004.It was the accidental exposure of Janet Jackson's breast on national TV.The follow up story was about a ricin chemical attack on the U.S.Senate majority leader.