
第52章 英语节目主持艺术的理论实质——“情境诠释演播”(4)


To become the self of the stories one tells requires learning how to be a storyteller—that is,conforming to an implicit canon concerning self-texts.This canon varies from group to group.In biographies,autobiographies,and magazine articles,it holds that selves be gendered,familied productions,grounded in class experiences,and molded by turning-point moments that can be objectively recorded.Further,it holds that persons are the best observers of theirselves and can tell stories that accurately reflect their lives.It is a cultural understanding that readers can expect the above ingredients in a biography or an autobiography.These ingredients are also the narrative devices which journalists and editors of news magazines employ to assemble stories.



对于“情境”这一术语的讨论,笔者已经用了很多的笔墨,就不在此再加以重复展开了。而当主持人手中的文字稿与“情境”联系起来后,就有了用新的视角对“情境”的实质进行认识的必要了。对于这一点,Denzin(1992,第90页)提出了“cultural text”这一术语:

Cultural texts are conservative productions.They appropriate,preempt,and intimidate the workings of the everyday sociological imagination.They have the ring of morality.They use the life stories to give value to family forms which may no longer exist.They perpetuate values and meanings which may not be appropriate to the actual situations of interacting individuals.They alter and rearrange the everyday sociological imagination which contains the interpretive theories that structure the lived experiences of ordinary individuals.

显而易见,主持人手中待被转变为“口语化”的文字稿是具有丰富的社会内涵的。而这就是如此的文字稿同“情境”紧密联系在一起的原因所在,同时,也为主持人挖掘自身的积累来探索到“恰到好处”的呈现方式,提供了既具广阔空间,又颇具挑战性的要求。毕竟,运用非母语英语的节目主持人,是远离众多由文字稿体现的文化或社会“情境”的。那么,秉持怎样的标准通过“口语化”的语言来“告知”其承载的故事呢?笔者认为Denzin对形成文字化“情境”的“cultural text”的特质的分析,对主持人“口语化”演播创作的“度”的把握提供了新的认识视角。他这样分析道(1992,第91页):

There are no real biographical subjects independent of the stories told about them,and even these texts,in the telling,displace the teller.We can never get back to raw biographical experience.The closest we can ever get is when a subject,in an epiphanal moment,moves from one social world to another.In these instances the subject is between interpretive frameworks.When this happens,experience is described in words that have yet to be contaminated by the cultural understandings of a new group.


总之,形成主持人的“能说”的语言呈现能力,不仅有主持人自身积累的知识的爆发,也有制作节目的所有成员在不同位置上作出的贡献。简单地说,主持人的“能说”是经过三步而达成的,即:深化理解文字化的“串词”稿—原文式阅读(Textual readings);将对文本稿的理解转变为“口语化”的告知体(The telling);依赖作为传播源的广播电视载体成为传播内容的一部分,而将报道转化为文化产品(Turing stories into cultural commodities)。








那么,这种感觉就是形成受众眼里的主持人“善问”能力的基础。对于这一点,Rubin为我们提供了存在于“日常对话”和新闻人的“善问”间的共同之处(1995,第23页):“1)If you can limit the number of main topics,it is easier to maintian a conversational flow from one topic to another.Transition should be smooth and logical;2)People who are chatting usually indicate that they have heard and understood the other person's response.Interviewers do that too;3)Just as in an ordinary conversation,in an interview the parties take turns speaking and indicate when their turn is through;4)Both ordinary conversations and interviews follow similar ways of clearing up misunderstandings.”



In spoken language,people often make ambiguous or vague statements.They may use pronouns where the noun being referred to is unclear,such as:

“She told me she wanted to run for office.”

Who is the first she,and who is the second she?In a conversational repair,you can ask for clarification by suggesting what you thought the person meant and asking for confirmation.You could ask:

“You mean Bella said that Edna wanted to run for office?”

Or you could follow up a confusing deion of legislative process with a question like,“Is it the chair of the committee who does that or the subcommittee chair?”The answer might be,“Neither,it is done by the chair of the rules committee.”