
第15章 美国主流报纸台海问题报道具体案例(3)
















Lee Teng-hui,president of the Republic of China on Taiwan,wishes to accept an honorary degree from Cornell University,where he earned his PhD in agronomy.

Last year,when Cornell made the same offer,Lee was refused entry into the United States because Beijing belligerently reminded the State Department that granting a visa to a Taiwanese leader would violate the principle of “One China.” (Cornell subsequently sent an emissary to Taipei for a substitute ceremony.) This year,on Feb. 9,Assistant Secretary of State Winston Lord told a congressional hearing that our government “will not reverse the policies of six administrations of both parties.”


Upon assuming office in 1988,Lee dropped all pretense of ever reconquering the mainland and granted that the Communists do indeed control it. Since then,he has eased tensions and promoted cooperation with the People's Republic of China through the Lee Doctrine,the pragmatic,flexible approach through which he (1) acts independently without declaring independence,which would provoke Chinese wrath and perhaps an invasion; (2) openly recognizes the PRC government and its achievements and asks that it reciprocate,and (3) seeks to expand Taiwan's role in the world while assuring Beijing that he is doing so as a fellow Chinese who has their interests at heart as well.


But Lee does not wish to come here in order to discuss the “Taiwan question” or other political matters,and he does not seek to meet with any American officials. He simply wishes to accept an honor from a private American institution,and perhaps discuss with fellow Cornell alumni the factors that have contributed to Taiwan's——and China's——outstanding economic success.








The White House is pandering needlessly to China in refusing a visa to President Lee Teng-hui of Taiwan for a private visit to the United States. Mr. Lee has been invited to speak at Cornell University,where he earned his doctorate. This week the House and the Senate overwhelmingly approved nonbinding resolutions that Mr. Lee be granted a visa. The State Department is not budging. A spokesman declared a visit would have “serious consequences for United States foreign policy.” President Clinton should overturn that judgment.

Since 1979,when the United States established relations with the People's Republic of China,America has had no formal ties with Taiwan,recognizing China's stance that there is only one China and that Taiwan is a breakaway republic that must eventually be reunited with the mainland. In the absence of diplomatic ties,Taiwan has become America's fifth-largest trading partner and has moved away from its authoritarian past. It has one of the most vital market economies in East Asia.

America needs China's cooperation in containing North Korea's nuclear ambitions. But policymakers must also recognize that Taiwan's importance for China is more emotional than strategic,and that any time the United States makes any friendly gesture toward Taipei,a loud reaction can be expected from Beijing. Having accepted the principle of Beijing's primacy,Washington is not obliged to cower when China throws a tan-trum over the granting of a visa for a private visit.