
第22章 美国主流报纸台海问题报道具体案例(10)

That man,Lee Teng-hui,Taiwan's first elected president and the chairman for the last dozen years of the Nationalists,who arrived in the 1940's from mainland China,has been obsessed with his own mission,once comparing himself to Moses.

Mr. Lee's achievements cannot be erased and are acknowledged by most Taiwanese. Yet today he had to be escorted from his party headquarters under the cover of water cannons and riot policemen,and his political base appeared to be eroding fast,creating dangerous political uncertainty for Taiwan.


“他背叛了台湾!” “他是出卖国民党的叛徒!” “他是个魔鬼,猪狗不如!” “下台!下台!”






Saying he must bear responsibility for the Nationalist Party's crushing defeat in presidential elections last weekend,Taiwan's president,Lee Teng-hui,resigned today as chairman of the party that has ruled this island for more than half a century.

Although Mr. Lee will remain president until May 20,when he is to be succeeded by the opposition leader,Chen Shui-bian,his departure as party boss greatly diminishes his power—effectively ending his extraordinary career as the man who helped bring democracy to Taiwan.

In a brief valedictory speech to the Nationalist Party's top officials this morning,Mr. Lee,77,extolled that legacy,saying the Nationalists had “unshakable status” as pioneers of democracy. But he also acknowledged deep-rooted flaws in the party,which led voters to repudiate it.

“We must admit that because of the long history of this party,there are long-running problems,which need to be eliminated,” he said. “This defeat is the right time for the comrades of this party to do a full self-examination.”

Though Mr. Lee flashed his trademark ear-to-ear grin this morning,it was a humbling moment. He had resisted calls to leave but was drummed out by younger members,who said his imperious style had contributed to the party's downfall.

The Nationalists named Lien Chan,their defeated presidential candidate,as interim chairman. Mr. Lien promised to undertake a wholesale reform. But the Nationalists now seem likely to enter a turbulent period,in which younger leaders will battle with the elders of Mr. Lee's generation for the soul of the party.









Even tonight,three days after an opposition candidate was elected president,ending more than 50 years of Nationalist rule,Hsieh Tsung-min could barely contain his elation.

“My dream has come true,” said Mr. Hsieh,64,an early hero of the democracy and independence movement on this island,to which Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist forces fled from mainland China in 1949 after their defeat by the Communists. The native Taiwanese population endured the Nationalists' imposition of martial law and a dictatorship lifted only in the late 1980's.

But meanwhile,native dissidents like Mr. Hsieh fought a hard battle for civil rights in what was often called the Taiwan independence movement. Convicted of treason in 1964 for drafting a “Declaration for the Taiwanese People,” he spent a total of 11 1/2 torture-filled years in prison,went into exile in the United States and then returned here in 1990 to join the offspring of his cause,the Democratic Progressive Party of Chen Shui-bian,who won on Sunday.





