
第25章 伟人声音(7)

BSurely we should work with conscious purpose for a grand pacification of Europe, within the structure of the United Nations and in accordance with our Charter.


in accordance with依据,按照。例如:We should act in accordance with the local customs.我们应该依据当地的惯例行事。

CNevertheless, the future of ltaly hangs in the balance.


hang in the balance尚未决定的。例如:The future of this project is hanging in the balance.此项目的下一步仍然悬而未决。

43.Tear Down This Wall拆掉这堵墙吧

Track 043. MP3






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Behind me stands a wall that encircles the free sectors of this city, part of a vast system of barriers that divides the entire continent of Europe.From the Baltic, south, those barriers cut across Germany in a gash of barbed wire, concrete, dog runs, and guard towers.Farther south, there may be no visible, no obvious wall.ABut there remain armed guards and checkpoints all the same—still a restriction on the right to travel, still an instrument to impose upon ordinary men and women the will of a totalitarian state.

Today represents a moment of hope. BWe in the West stand ready to cooperate with the East to promote true openness, to break down barriers that separate people, to create a safe, freer world.And surely there is no better place than Berlin, the meeting place of East and West, to make a start.Free people of Berlin:Today, as in the past, the United States stands for the strict observance and full implementation of all parts of the Four Power Agreement of 1971.Let us use this occasion, the 750th anniversary of this city, to usher in a new era, to seek a still fuller, richer life for the Berlin of the future.Together, let us maintain and develop the ties between the Federal Republic and the Western sectors of Berlin, which is permitted by the 1971 agreement.

General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization:Come here to this gate!Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate!Mr.Gorbachev, tear down this wall!

And I invite Mr. Gorbachev:Let us work to bring the Eastern and Western parts of the city closer together, so that all the inhabitants of all Berlin can enjoy the benefits that come with life in one of the great cities of the world.

To open Berlin still further to all Europe, East and West, let us expand the vital air access to this city, finding ways of making commercial air service to Berlin more convenient, more comfortable, and more economical. CWe look to the day when West Berlin can become one of the chief aviation hubs in all central Europe.


长难句解析Sentence Structures

ABut there remain armed guards and checkpoints all the same—still a restriction on the right to travel, still an instrument to impose upon ordinary men and women the will of a totalitarian state.


impose on 强加于。例如:The government imposes restrictions on trade.政府对贸易进行强行管制。

BWe in the West stand ready to cooperate with the East to promote true openness, to break down barriers that separate people, to create a safe, freer world.


cooperate with 合作,协作。例如:He cooperates with his friends in raising money.他与朋友合作集资。

CWe look to the day when West Berlin can become one of the chief aviation hubs in all central Europe.


Iook to 期盼,盼望。例如:We look to the day we can succeed.我们盼望着成功的一天。

44.Duty, Honor, Country(1)责任、荣誉、国家(1)

Track 044. MP3






今日关键语导读Today"s Key Points



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General Westmoreland, General Grove, distinguished guests, and gentlemen of the Corps!

AAs I was leaving the hotel this morning, a doorman asked me,“Where are you bound for, General?”And when I replied,“West Point,”he remarked,“Beautiful place. Have you ever been there before?”

No human being could fail to be deeply moved by such a tribute as this, coming from a profession I have served so long, and a people I have loved so well, it fills me with an emotion I cannot express. But this award is not intended primarily to honor a personality, but to symbolize a great moral code—the code of conduct and chivalry of those who guard this beloved land of culture and ancient descent.That is the animation of this medallion.For all eyes and for all time, it is an expression of the ethics of the American soldier.BThat I should be integrated in this way with so noble an ideal arouses a sense of pride and yet of humility which will be with me always.

Duty, Honor, Country:Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be. They are your rallying points:to build courage when courage seems to fail;to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith;to create hope when hope becomes forlorn.

Unhappily, I possess neither that eloquence of diction, that poetry of imagination, nor that brilliance of metaphor to tell you all that they mean. The unbelievers will say they are but words, but a slogan, but a flamboyant phrase.CEvery pedant, every demagogue, every cynic, every hypocrite, every troublemaker, and I"m sorry to say, some others of an entirely different character, will try to downgrade them even to the extent of mockery and ridicule.


长难句解析Sentence Structures

AAs I was leaving the hotel this morning, a doorman asked me,“Where are you bound for, General?”


bound for 去,准备去。例如:We are bound for home.我们打算回家。