
第38章 学无止境(2)

BThere is no enlargement, unless there be a comparison of ideas one with another, as they come before the mind, and a systematizing of them.


本句主句为:there is no enlargement;unless 引起的从句有两个主语——a comparison of ideas, a systematizing of them;as they come before the mind 为插入语,补充说明时间或方式。

68.Address at University of Pennsylvania 罗斯福总统在宾夕法尼亚大学的讲演

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Benjamin Franklin, to whom this University owes so much, realized too that while basic principles of natural science, of morality and of the science of society were eternal and immutable, the application of these principles necessarily changes with the patterns of living conditions from generation to generation.I am certain that he would insist, were he with us today, that it is the whole duty of the philosopher and the educator to apply the eternal ideals of truth and goodness and justice in terms of the present and not terms of the past.Growth and change are the law of all life.Yesterday"s answers are inadequate for today"s problems—just as the solutions of today will not fill the needs of tomorrow.

AEternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation.

It is the function of education, the function of all of the great institutions of learning in the United States, to provide continuity for our national life-to transmit to youth the best of our culture that has been tested in the fire of history. It is equally the obligation of education to train the minds and the talents of our youth;to improve, through creative citizenship, our American institutions in accord with the requirements of the future.

We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.

It is in great universities like this that the ideas which can assure our national safety and make tomorrow"s history, are being forged and shaped. Civilization owes most to the men and Women, known and unknown, whose free, inquiring minds and restless intellects could not be subdued by the power of tyranny.This is no time for any man to withdraw into some ivory tower and proclaim the right to hold himself aloof from the problems and the agonies of his society.The times call for bold belief that the world can be changed by man"s endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better.BNo man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes.He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new;and have sufficient courage and skill to face novel facts and to deal with them.


长难句解析Sentence Structures

AEternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation.


neither……nor 为否定意义的并列连词;unless 引起让步状语从句,表示if not。

BNo man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes.


avert one"s eyes 愿为“转移目光”,引申为“闭目不看”或“视而不见”。

69.The Pleasures of Learning(1)学习的乐趣

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As most schools are set up today, learning is compulsory.It is an Ought:even worse, a Must, enforced by regular hours and rigid discipline.And the young sneer at the Oughts and resist the Musts with all their energy.The feeling often lasts through a lifetime.AFor too many of us, learning appears to be a surrender of our own will to external direction, a sort of enslavement.

This is a mistake. Learning is a natural pleasure, inborn and instinctive, one of the essential pleasures of the human race.Watch a small child, at an age too young to have had any mental habits implanted by training.Some delightful films made by the late Dr.Arnold Gesell of Yale University show little creatures who can barely talk investigating problems with all the zeal and excitement of explorers, making discoveries with the passion and absorption of dedicated scientists.At the end of each successful investigation, there comes over each tiny face an expression of pure heartfelt pleasure.

But if the pleasure of learning is universal, why are there so many dull, incurious people in the world?It is because they were made dull, by bad teaching, by isolation, by surrender to routine;sometimes, too, by the pressure of hard work and poverty;or by the toxin of riches, with all their ephemeral and trivial delights. With luck, resolution and guidance, however, the human mind can survive not only poverty but even wealth.

This pleasure is not confined to learning from textbooks, which are too often tedious. But it does include learning from books.Sometimes, when I stand in a big library like the Library of Congress, or Butler Library at Columbia, and gaze round me at the millions of books, I feel a sober, earnest delight hard to convey except by a metaphor.These are not lumps of lifeless paper, but minds alive on the shelves.From each of them goes out its own voice, as inaudible as the streams of sound conveyed by electric waves beyond the range of our hearing;and just as the touch of button on our stereo will fill the room with music, so by B opening one of these volumes, one can call into range a voice far distant in time and space, and hear it speaking, mind to mind, heart to heart.


长难句解析Sentence Structures

AFor too many of us, learning appears to be a surrender of our own will to external direction, a sort of enslavement.