
第50章 学无止境(14)

Simplicity is an uprightness of soul that has no reference to self;it is different from sincerity, and it is a still higher virtue.We see many people who are sincere, without being simple;they only wish to pass for what they are, and they are unwilling to appear what they are not;they are always thinking of themselves, measuring their words, and recalling their thoughts, and reviewing their actions, from the fear that they have done too much or too little.These persons are sincere, but they are not simple;……they are not free, ingenuous, natural;we prefer people who are less correct, less perfect, and who are less artificial.This is the decision of man, and it is the judgment of God, who would not have us so occupied with ourselves, and thus, as it were, always arranging our features in a mirror.

ATo be wholly occupied with others, never to look within, is the state of blindness of those who are entirely engrossed by what is present and addressed to their senses;this is the very reverse of simplicity. To be absorbed in self and in whatever engages us, whether we are laboring for our fellow beings or for God——to be wise in our own eyes reserved, and full of ourselves, troubled at the least thing that disturbs our self-complacency, is the opposite extreme.This is false wisdom, which, with all its glory, is but little less absurd than folly, which pursues only pleasure.The one is intoxicated with all it sees around it;the other with all that it imagines it has within;but it is delirium in both.To be absorbed in the contemplation of our own minds is really worse than to be engrossed by outward things, because it appears like wisdom and yet is not, we do not think of curing it, we pride ourselves upon it, we approve of it, it gives us an unnatural strength, it is a sort of frenzy, we are not conscious of it, we are dying, and we think ourselves in health.

BSimplicity consists in a just medium, in which we are neither too much excited, nor too composed. That freedom of the soul, which looks straight onward in its path, losing no time to reason upon its steps, to study them, or to contemplate those that it has already taken, is true simplicity.


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ATo be wholly occupied with others, never to look within, is the state of blindness of those who are entirely engrossed by what is present and addressed to their senses;this is the very reverse of simplicity.


BSimplicity consists in a just medium, in which we are neither too much excited, nor too composed.


93.How to Spell Success 如何走向成功

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I graduated high school in 1960 convinced I was not very smart.I remember a defining moment in seventh grade.I was doing badly in a history course-I did badly in all my courses-and my mother said,“I"m going to show you what you can do if you put in the right amount of effort.”So we worked for a full week, an extra hour every day.Then I went to school and bricked the test, just like I always bricked it.

It was upsetting to me, so I asked a friend who had gotten an A how long he studied for this?He said,“I didn"t. I just glanced at it.”ASo what do I take from that?He must be smarter than I am.Even though I was an academic failure, I had a great time and a lot of friends, and I had been a good high school football player.

But there were occasional poignant moments when I"d lie in bed and think. lf I can"t play football or can"t get the strokes from my social life, I"m not going to be good at anything.I"m not going to be a success like my dad, who was a self-made millionaire and my hero.Despite my doubts, I did become successful.Despite my weaknesses I view dyslexia as a gift, not a curse.BMany dyslexics are good at right-brain, abstract thought, and that"s what my kind of creative writing is.

I owe my career to Ralph Salisbury, a writing instructor at the University of Oregon, who looked past my misspellings and gave me encouragement and hope. I never looked back.I"m also very visual.This means nothing in school, but when I write books or scripts, I"m seeing everything in my imagination.

The real fear I have for dyslexics is that they quit on themselves before they get out of school. Parents have to create victories whenever they can, whether it"s music, sports or art.You want your dyslexic child to be able to say,“Yeah, reading"s hard.But I have these other things I can do.”


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ASo what do I take from that?


BMany dyslexics are good at right-brain, abstract thought, and that"s what my kind of creative writing is.


94.Of Studies论读书

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Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring;for ornament, is in discourse;and for ability, is in the judgment, and disposition of business.For expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one;but the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best from those that are learned.To spend too much time in studies is sloth;to use them too much for ornament, is affectation;to make judgment wholly by their rules, is the humor of a scholar.