
第21章 情感表达(1)


1366:我太高兴了。I’m ecstatic.

1367:我太激动了。I’m thrilled.

1368:我非常高兴。I feel so happy.

1369:高兴得飘飘欲仙。I’m walking on air.

1370:我高兴得跳了起来。I jumped for joy.

1371:我好像到了天堂。I’m in heaven.

1372:听到这消息我很高兴。I’m glad to hear it.

1373:谢天谢地,终于考完了。I’m glad that the exams are over.

1374:感觉好极了。I feel like a million dollars.

1375:我从没有这么高兴过。I’ve never been this happy.

1376:老板的心情很好。The boss is in a good mood.

1377:我今天心情不好。I’m in a bad mood today.

1378:噢,见鬼!没考及格。Oh,heck!I failed the test.

1379:真见鬼!我没赶上火车。Shoot!I Missed the train.

1380:不是所有的事情都行得通。Not everything is logical.

1381:就晚了那么一点儿。I was just a little late.

1382:请想点儿办法吧!Please do something about it.

1383:这么点儿薪水我怎么够活呀!I can’t make ends meeton my small salary.


1384:有什么打算吗?Do you have any plans?

1385:那明天怎么样?How about tomorrow?

1386:你丈夫又打你了?Your husband hit you again?

1387:怎么花这么长时间?What’s taking so long?

1388:就这些吗?Is that all?

1389:谁让你烦躁了?Who are you irritated with?


1390:新家怎么样?How’s your new home?

我很幸福。I’m happy.

1391:下星期我们去宿营。We’re going camping next week.


1392:我把钥匙丢了。I lost my keys!


1393:看那边的景色!Look at the view!

哇!太漂亮了!Wow!It’s great.

1394:今天学校放假!School is canceled today.


1395:我们要去迪斯尼乐园了。We’re going to Disneyland!


1396:我听说约翰结婚了。I heard John got married.

真是个好消息。That’s good news.

1397:我们去跳舞吧。Let’s go dancing.

那太好了!What fun!

1398:今天你看上去很高兴啊!You look happy today.

是呀,我涨工资了。Yes.I got a raise.

1399:这简直让人不敢相信。This is too good to be true.

这无法让人相信。It’s unbelievable.

1400:我找到了一个新工作。I’ve got a new job!

太好了!You did it!

1401:投资的那个项目怎么样?How was the investment?

全白忙活了。It went down the drain.



1402:没有比这更让人高兴的了。Nothing could be morewonderful.

1403:今天的运气真好。I lucked out today.

1404:我中头彩了!I hit the jackpot!

1405:我发了笔横财。I struck it rich!

1406:真幸运呀!Talk about luck.


1407:我们干嘛不去纽约呀?Why don’t we go to New York?

1408:现在怎么样?How about now?

1409:您能再说一遍吗?Would you repeat that,please?

1410:您能说慢一点儿吗?Would you slow down,please?


1411:我们有孩子了!We’re having a baby.

这简直让人不敢相信。This is too good to be true.

1412:考试通过了吗?Did you pass the exam?

通过了。I made it!

1413:我找到了一个新工作。I’ve got a new job!

太好了!You did it!

1414:我中奖了。I won the lottery!


1415:我在街上拣了10美元。I found $10.00on the street.

你真走运。It’s your lucky day.

1416:我们差点撞上。We didn’t crash.

谢天谢地。Thank Heavens!

1417:今天晚上去跳舞吧!Let’s go dancing tonight!

嗯,好主意!Sounds great!

1418:这真令人激动。我们就要做父母了。This is exciting.We’ll be parents soon.

我都等不及了。I can’t wait.

1419:那部电影真棒。That movie was great.

我也很欣赏它。I enjoyed it,too.



1420:我真的很烦你。You’re getting on my nerves.

1421:讨厌!That’s disgusting.

1422:我做不到,我再也受不了了。I can’t.I’ve run out ofpatience.

1423:无聊!It’s boring.

1424:我不感兴趣。I’m not interested.

1425:我不能专心工作。I can’t get into my work.

1426:那早过时了。It’s outdated.

1427:够了!That’s enough.

1428:她又来了。There she goes again.

1429:这次又是什么?Now what?

1430:比起咖啡来我更喜欢红茶。I prefer tea to coffee.

1431:约翰越来越让我喜欢。John has grown on me.

1432:看上去挺好玩的。This will be fun!

1433:这个真恶心。This is disgusting.


1434:你满意你的新车吗?Are you pleased with your new car?

1435:你喜欢打棒球吗?Do you like baseball?

1436:你爱喝咖啡吗?Do you like the coffee?

1437:管它呢!Who cares?

1438:那又怎么样?So what?

1439:哪个都行。Anyone will do.有问有答

1440:我认为该往左拐。I think we should go left.

好吧,好吧,你随便吧!Okay,okay,have it your way!

1441:我每天都这么无聊。My life is dull.

没劲。It’s dull.

1442:我最讨厌上这课。I hate this class.

没错。真无聊。I agree.It’s for the birds.

1443:我发誓我不认识她。I don’t know her,I promise.

算了吧,别玩花样了。Give me a break!

1444:约翰太粗鲁了。John is very rude.

就是,我真受不了他。Yeah,I can’t stand it.

1445:你先写作业,然后再把我的车洗了。Finish yourhomework first,then wash my car.

饶了我吧,爸爸!Have a heart,dad!

1446:不行,你不能去。No,you can’t go.

哦,真烦!你总是什么都不让我做。Oh,man!Younever let me do anything.

1447:你的新工作怎么样?How’s your new job?

我很喜欢。I like it.

1448:你喜欢吃纳豆吗?Do you like natto?

不,我最讨厌它了。No,I hate it!

1449:过来的那位是我的老板约翰先生。Here comes myboss,Mr.John.

我看见他就心烦。I can’t stand him.


1450:你今天看上去很伤心。You look sad today.

1451:你今天好像不高兴。You don’t look very happy today.

1452:你看起来很疲惫。You look exhausted.

1453:你该放松放松了。You should take it easy.

1454:你今天有点儿不大对劲。Something is wrong with you today.

1455:放松点儿。Kick back!

1456:别急。There’s no need to rush.


1457:你没事吧?Are you okay?

1458:到底怎么回事?What’s going on?

1459:你有什么心事吗?Is something on your mind?