书城童书Snippy and Snappy


Snippy and Snappy were two little field-mice.

Snippy was Snappy's sister.

Snappy was Snippy's brother.

They lived with their father and mother in a cozy nook in a hay field.

They lived in a hay field.

A big grassy hay field.

A field full of flowers and fun.

Snippy and Snappy liked this big grassy hay field and played in it all day long.

But when evening came,they hurried home to their cozy little nook for then the light was lit and Mother Mouse sat and knitted jackets for her little family.

Father Mouse sat there too and read aloud from his newspaper.This newspaper was small enough for a mouse to read,and it was called THE MOUSE PAPER.

Father Mouse read about the big wide world and the many big things in it.

He read about gardens in big fields--

He read about houses in big gardens--

He read about kitchen cupboards in big houses--

But most often he read about big yellow cheeses in big kitchen cupboards!

"What is a kitchen cupboard?"said Snippy to Snappy.

"Something with cheese in it,"said Snappy to Snippy.

"I wish we could find a kitchen cupboard full of cheese,"said Snippy,"For I'm very FOND of cheese."

"I too,"said Snappy."I'm VERY fond of cheese."