Now Liesi saw the garden with its gate wide open.There were the pigs and the goats and all the geese too.They were full to bursting,but the garden,alas!was empty.
Liesi walked on,and now what did she see?The churn upturned,and Kinndli there in the sun,stiff and sticky with dried cream and butter.
Liesi hurried on.There was Spitz-dog on the grass.He was full of sausages and looked none too well.
Liesi looked at the cellar.There was the cider all over the floor and halfway up the stairs besides.
Liesi looked in the kitchen.The floor!It was piled high with peelings and parings,and littered with dishes and pans.
At last Liesi saw the fireplace.Hu!Hulla!Hui!What was that in the soupkettle?Two arms were waving,two legs were kicking,and a gurgle,bubbly and weak-like,was coming up out of the water.