
第24章 放大发射机的发明(2)





V.The Magnifying Transmitter

As Ireview the events of my past life Irealize how subtle are the influences that shape our destinies.An incident of my youth may serve to illustrate.One winter"s day Imanaged to climb a steep mountain,in company with other boys.The snow was quite deep and a warm southerly wind made it just suitable for our purpose.We amused ourselves by throwing balls which would roll down a certain distance,gathering more or less snow,and we tried to outdo one another in this exciting sport.Suddenly a ball was seen to go beyond the limit,swelling to enormous proportions until it became as big as a house and plunged thundering into the valley below with a force that made the ground tremble.Ilooked on spellbound,incapable of understanding what had happened.For weeks afterward the picture of the avalanche was before my eyes and Iwondered how anything so small could grow to such an immense size.Ever since that time the magnification of feeble actions fascinated me,and when,years later,Itook up the experimental study of mechanical and electrical resonance,Iwas keenly interested from the very start.Possibly,had it not been for that early powerful impression,Imight not have followed up the little spark Iobtained with my coil and never developed my best invention,the true history of which I"ll tell here for the first time.

Not a few technical men,very able in their special departments,but dominated by a pedantic spirit and nearsighted,have asserted that excepting the induction motor Ihave given to the world little of practical use.This is a grievous mistake.Anew idea must not be judged by its immediate results.My alternating system of power transmission came at a psychological moment,as a long-sought answer to pressing industrial questions,and altho considerable resistance had to be overcome and opposing interests reconciled,as usual,the commercial introduction could not be long delayed.Now,compare this situation with that confronting my turbine,for example.One should think that so simple and beautiful an invention,possessing many features of an ideal motor,should be adopted at once and,undoubtedly,it would under similar conditions.But the prospective effect of the rotating field was not to render worthless existing machinery;on the contrary,it was to give it additional value.The system lent itself to new enterprise as well as to improvement of the old.My turbine is an advance of a character entirely different.It is a radical departure in the sense that its success would mean the abandonment of the antiquated types of prime movers on which billions of dollars have been spent.Under such circumstances the progress must needs be slow and perhaps the greatest impediment is encountered in the prejudicial opinions created in the minds of experts by organized opposition.

Only the other day Ihad a disheartening experience when Imet my friend and former assistant,Charles F.Scott,now professor of Electrical Engineering at Yale.Ihad not seen him for a long time and was glad to have an opportunity for a little chat at my office.Our conversation naturally enough drifted on my turbine and Ibecame heated to a high degree."Scott,"Iexclaimed,carried away by the vision of a glorious future,"my turbine will scrap all the heat-engines in the world."Scott stroked his chin and looked away thoughtfully,as though making a mental calculation."That will make quite a pile of scrap,"he said,and left without another word!

These and other inventions of mine,however,were nothing more than steps forward in certain directions.In evolving them Isimply followed the inborn sense to improve the present devices without any special thought of our far more imperative necessities.The "Magnifying Transmitter"was the product of labors extending through years,having for their chief object the solution of problems which are infinitely more important to mankind than mere industrial development.