A certain man had a monkey and was a thief,who never entered one of the markets of the city in which he dwelt,but he made off with great purchase. One day,he saw a man offering for sale worn clothes,and he went calling them in the market,but none bid for them,and all to whom he showed them refused to buy of him.
Presently,the thief saw him put the clothes in a wrapper and sit down to rest for weariness;so he made the ape sport before him,and whilst he was busy gazing at it,stole the parcel from him.
Then he took the ape and made off to a lonely place,where he opened the wrapper and taking out the old clothes,wrapped them in a piece of costly stuff. This he carried to another market and exposed it for sale with what was therein,making it a condition that it should not be opened and tempting the folk with the lowness of the price he set on it. A certain man saw the wrapper and it pleased him;so he bought the parcel on these terms and carried it home,doubting not but he had gotten a prize. When his wife saw it,she said,What is this?And he answered,It is precious stuff,that I have bought below its worth,meaning to sell it again and take the profit.'O dupe,'rejoined she,would this stuff be sold under its value,except it were stolen?
Dost thou not know that he who buys a ware,without examining it,erreth?And indeed he is like unto the weaver.'What is the story of the weaver?asked he;and she said,I have heard tell that The Foolish Weaver.
There was once in a certain village a weaver who could not earn his living save by excessive toil. One day,it chanced that a rich man of the neighbourhood made a feast and bade the folk thereto. The weaver was present and saw such as were richly clad served with delicate meats and made much of by the master of the house,for what he saw of their gallant array. So he said in himself,'If I change this my craft for another,easier and better considered and paid,I shall amass store of wealth and buy rich clothes,that so I may rise in rank and be exalted in mens eyes and become like unto these.'Presently,one of the mountebanks there climbed up to the top of a steep and lofty wall and threw himself down,alighting on his feet;which when the weaver saw,he said to himself,'Needs must I do as this fellow hath done,for surely I shall not fail of it.'So he climbed up on to the wall and casting himself down to the ground,broke his neck and died forthright. I tell thee this (continued the woman)
that thou mayst get thy living by that fashion thou knowest and throughly understandest,lest greed enter into thee and thou lust after what is not of thy competence.'Quoth he,Not every wise man is saved by his wisdom nor is every fool lost by his folly. I have seen a skilful charmer versed in the ways of serpents,bitten by a snake and killed,and I have known others prevail over serpents,who had no skill in them and no knowledge of their ways.'And he hearkened not to his wife,but went on buying stolen goods below their value,till he fell under suspicion and perished.