书城公版Robinson Crusoe


These Thoughts took me up many Hours,Days;nay,I may say,Weeks and Months;and one particular Effect of my Cogitations on this Occasion,I cannot omit,viz. One Morning early,lying in my Bed,and fill'd with Thought about my Danger from the Appearance of Savages,I found it discompos'd me very much,upon which those Words of the Scripture came into my Thoughts,Call upon me in the Day of Trouble,and I will deliver,and thou shalt glorify me.

Upon this,rising chearfully out of my Bed,my Heart was not only comforted,but I was guided and encourag'd to pray earnestly to God for Deliverance:When I had done praying,I took up my Bible,and opening it to read,the first Words that presented to me,were,Wait on the Lord,and be of good Cheer,and he shall strengthen thy Heart;wait,I say,on the Lord:It is impossible to express the Comfort this gave me. In Answer,I thankfully laid down the Book,and was no more sad,at least,not on that Occasion.

In the middle of these Cogitations,Apprehensions and Reflections,it came into my Thought one Day,that all this might be a meer Chimera of my own;and that this Foot might be the Print of my own Foot,when I came on Shore from my Boat:This chear'd me up a little too,and I began to perswade my self it was all a Delusion;that it was nothing else but my own Foot,and why might not I come that way from the Boat,as well as I was going that way to the Boat;again,I consider'd also that I could by no Means tell for certain where I had trod,and where I had not;and that if at last this was only the Print of my own Foot,I had play'd the Part of those Fools,who strive to make stories of Spectres,and Apparitions;and then are frighted at them more than any body.

Now I began to take Courage,and to peep abroad again;for I had not stirr'd out of my Castle for three Days and Nights;so that I began to starve for Provision;for I had little or nothing within Doors,but some Barley Cakes and water. Then I knew that my Goats wanted to be milk'd too,which usually was my Evening Diversion;and the poor Creatures were in great Pain and Inconvenience for want of it;and indeed,it almost spoil'd some of them,and almost dry'd up their Milk.

Heartning my self therefore with the Belief that this was nothing but the Print of one of my own Feet,and so I might be truly said to start at my own Shadow,I began to go abroad again,and went to my Country House,to milk my Flock;but to see with what Fear I went forward,how often I look'd behind me,how I was ready every now and then to lay down my Basket,and run for my Life,it would have made any one have thought I was haunted with an evil Conscience,or that I had been lately most terribly frighted,and so indeed I had.

However,as I went down thus two or three Days,and having seen nothing,I began to be a little bolder;and to think there was really nothing in it,but my own Imagination:But I cou'd not perswade my self fully of this,till I should go down to the Shore again,and see this Print of a Foot,and measure it by my own,and see if there was any Similitude or Fitness,that I might be assur'd it was my own Foot:But when I came to the Place,First,It appear'd evidently to me,that when I laid up my Boat,I could not possibly be on Shore any where there about. Secondly,When I came to measure the Mark with my own Foot,I found my Foot not so large by a great deal;both these Things fill'd my Head with new Imaginations,and gave me the Vapours again,to the highest Degree;so that I shook with cold,like one in an Ague:And I went Home again,fill'd with the Belief that some Man Or Men had been on Shore there;or in short,that the Island was inhabited,and I might be surpriz'd before I was aware;and what course to take for my Security I knew not.

O what ridiculous Resolution Men take,when possess'd with Fear! It deprives them of the Use of those Means which Reason offers for their Relief. The first Thing I propos'd to my self,was,to throw down my Enclosures,and turn all my tame Cattle wild into the Woods,that the Enemy might not find them;and then frequent the Island in Prospect of the same,or the like Booty:Then to the simple' Thing of Digging up my two Corn Fields,that they might not find such a Grain there,and still be prompted to frequent the Island;then to demolish my Bower,and Tent,that they might not see any Vestiges of Habitation,and be prompted to look farther,in order to find out the Persons inhabiting.

These were the Subject of the first Night's Cogitation,after I was come Home again,while the Apprehensions which had so over-run my Mind were fresh upon me,and my Head was full of Vapours,as above:Thus Fear of Danger is ten thousand Times more terrifying than Danger it self,when apparent to the Eyes;and we find the Burthen of Anxiety greater by much,than the Evil which we are anxious about;and which was worse than all this,I had not that Relief in this Trouble from the Resignation I used to practice,that I hop'd to have. I look'd,I thought,like Saul,who complain'd not only that the Philistines were upon him;but that God had forsaken him;for I did not now take due Ways to compose my Mind,by crying to God in my Distress,and resting upon his Providence,as I had done before,for my Defence and Deliverance;which if I had done,I had,at least,been more cheerfully supported under this new Surprise,and perhaps carry'd through it with more Resolution.