书城公版Robinson Crusoe


As I knew nothing that Night of the Supply I was to receive by the providential Driving of the Ship nearer the Land,by the Storms and Tide,by which I have since been so long nourish'd and Supported;so these three poor desolate Men knew nothing how certain of Deliverance and Supply they were,how near it was to them,and how effectually and really they were in a Condition of Safety,at the same Time that they thought themselves lost,and their Case desperate.

So little do we see before us in the World,and so much reason have we to depend chearfully upon the great Maker of the World,that he does not leave his Creatures so absolutely destitute,but that in the worst Circumstances they have always something to be thankful for,and sometimes are nearer their Deliverance than they imagine;nay,are even brought to their Deliverance by the Means by which they seem to be brought to their Destruction.

It was just at the Top of High-Water when these People came on Shore,and while partly they stood parlying with the Prisoners they brought,and partly while they rambled about to see what kind of a Place they were in;they had carelessly staid till the Tide was spent,and the Water was ebb'd considerably away,leaving their Boat a-ground.

They had left two Men in the Boat,who as I found afterwards,having drank a little too much Brandy,fell a-sleep;however,one of them waking Sooner than the other,and finding the Boat too fast a-ground for him to stir it,hollow'd for the rest who were straggling about,upon which they all Soon came to the Boat;but it was past all their Strength to launch her,the Boat being very heavy,and the Shore on that Side being a soft ousy Sand,almost like a Quick-Sand.

In this Condition,like true Seamen who are perhaps the and least of all Mankind given to lore-thought,they gave it over,and away they stroll'd about the Country again;and I heard one of them say aloud to another,calling them off from the Boat,Why let her alone,Jack,can't ye,she will float next Tide;by which I was fully confirm'd in the main Enquiry,of what Countrymen they were.

All this while I kept my self very close,not once daring to stir out of my Castle,any farther than to my Place of Observation,near the Top of the Hill;and very glad I was,to think how well it was fortify'd:I knew it was no less than ten Hours before the Boat could be on float again,and by that Time it would be dark,and I might be at more Liberty to see their Motions,and to hear their Discourse,if they had any.

In the mean Time,I fitted my self up for a Battle,as before;though with more Caution,knowing I had to do with another kind of Enemy than I had at first:I order'd Friday also,who I had made an excellent Marks-Man with his Gun,to load himself with Arms:I took my self two Fowling-Pieces,and I gave him three Muskets;my Figure indeed was very fierce;I had my formidable Goat-Skin Coat on,with the great Cap I have mention'd,a naked Sword by my Side,two Pistols in my Belt,and a Gun upon each Shoulder.

It was my Design,as I said above,not to have made any Attempt till it was Dark:But about Two a Clock,being the Heat of the Day,I found that in short they were all gone straggling into the Woods,and as I thought were laid down to Sleep. The three poor distressed Men,too Anxious for their Condition to get any Sleep,were however set down under the Shelter of a great Tree,at about a quarter of a Mile from me,and as I thought out of sight of any of the rest.

Upon this I resolv'd to discover my self to them,and learn something of their Condition:Immediately I march'd in the Figure as above,my Man Friday at a good Distance behind me,as formidable for his Arms as I,but not making quite so staring a Spectre-like Figure as I did.

I came as near them undiscover'd as I could,and then before any of them saw me,I call'd aloud to them in Spanish,What are ye Gentlemen?

They started up at the Noise,but were ten times more confounded when they saw me,and the uncouth Figure that I made. They made no Answer at all,but I thought I perceiv'd them just going to fly from me,when I spoke to them in English,Gentlemen,said I,do not be surpriz'd at me;perhaps you may have a Friend near you when you did not expect it. He must be sent directly from Heaven then,said one of them very gravely to me,and pulling off his Hat at the same time to me,for our Condition is past the Help of Man. All Help is from Heaven,Sir,said I. But can you put a Stranger in the way how to help you,for you seem to me to be in some great Distress? I saw you when you landed,and when you Seem'd to make Applications to the Brutes that came with you,I saw one of them lift up his Sword to kill you.

The poor Man with Tears running down his Face,and trembling,looking like one astonish'd,return'd,Am I talking to God,or Man! Is it a real Man,or an Angel! Be in no fear about that,Sir,said I,if God had sent an Angel to relieve you,he would have come better Cloath'd,and Arm'd after another manner than you see me in;pray lay aside your Fears,I am a Man,an English-man,and dispos'd to assist you,you see;I have one Servant only;we have Arms and Ammunition;tell us freely,Can we serve you ? - What is your Case?

Our Case,said he,Sir,is too long to tell you,while our Murtherers are so near;but in Short,Sir,I was Commander of that Ship,my Men have Mutinied against me;they have been hardly prevail'd on not to Murther me,and at last have set me on Shore in this desolate Place,with these two Men with me;one my Mate,the other a Passenger,where we expected to Perish,believing the Place to be uninhabited,and know not yet what to think of it.

Where are those Brutes,your Enemies,said I,do you know where they are gone? There they lye,Sir,Said he,pointing to a Thicket of Trees;my Heart trembles,for fear they have seen us,and heard you speak,if they have,they will certainly Murther us all.