
第21章 乐享假日(2)

You never know what might happen on Halloween.你根本不知道万圣节会发生什么事。

What a horrible night.多么恐怖的夜晚呀!


My heart keeps pumping.我的心一直跳得厉害。

Are you going to wear a mask你要戴面具吗?


Our masks will scare off the spirits.我们的面具可以把幽灵吓走。

scare off吓跑


Is this my Christmas gift这是我的圣诞礼物吗?

Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!

I do wish you a Merry Christmas.祝你圣诞快乐。

What does your family do on Christmas Day你们家圣诞节那天做什么?

Christmas Day was the day on which Christ was born.圣诞节这一天是基督诞生的日子。

Did you send out all your Christmas cards in time你的圣诞卡片都及时送出去了吗?

send out发送

Let’s decorate the Christmas tree with tinsel.我们用亮金属片装饰圣诞树吧。


Christmas is drawing near.圣诞节越来越近了。

draw near靠近,接近

I hope this card reaches you in time for Christmas.希望你能及时收到这张圣诞贺卡。


The kids can receive lucky money.孩子们还可以得到压岁钱。

lucky money压岁钱

Treasures fill the home.财源广进。


Wish you prosperity.恭喜发财。


Harmony brings wealth.家和万事兴。

Everything goes well.万事如意。

Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year!祝你新的一年快乐幸福!

The country flourishes and people live in peace.国家富强、人民安康。

Money and treasures will be plentiful.财源茂盛。

Safe trip wherever you go.一帆风顺。

Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year!祝你新的一年快乐幸福!

Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family!事业成功,阖家欢乐!



Happy Women’s Day.妇女节快乐。

Hope you keep young and beautiful forever.希望你永远年轻漂亮。


A good woman is a treasure.好的女人是一个宝库。

We offer Women’s Day blessings to you.我们向您献上妇女节的祝福。

A beautiful woman is a diamond.漂亮的女人如宝石。


Wish you and your family a very Women’s Day.祝您及全家人妇女节快乐。


Do you know Tomb Sweeping Day你知道清明节吗?

It’s a day of sacrifice.它是一个祭祀节日。


People do tomb sweeping on this day.人们这一天都去扫墓。

tomb sweeping扫墓

What are you going to do on Tomb Sweeping Day清明节你们打算做什么?

I will sweep the graves of our forebears with my family.我要和家人一起去扫墓。

We will plant trees together.我们要一起去植树。

plant tree植树,种树

What’s your plan for Tomb Sweeping Day清明节你有什么计划?

Tomb Sweeping Day is a day of sacrifice.清明节是一个祭祀节日。

We will go kite flying in the Tomb Sweeping Day.清明节我们要去放风筝。

I’d love to go spring outing on the Tomb Sweeping Day.清明节我想要去踏青。


I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!祝你端午节快乐!

We celebrate it to commemorate a great patriotic poet of China Qu Yuan.为了纪念伟大的诗人屈原。



People in southern China like the zongzi with meat in it.南方人喜欢肉馅的粽子。

Let’s go and see the Dragon Boat Race.我们去看龙舟比赛吧。

The Dragon Boat Festival is known for its dragon-boat race.端午节是以龙舟比赛而出名的。

What do you usually do on the Dragon Boat Festival端午节时你们都做什么呀?

The Dragon Boat Festival is an important festival in China.端午节在中国是一个很重要的节日。


How long is your vacation of National Day你们国庆节放几天假?

National Day is coming.国庆节快到了。

Best wishes to our country.致以祖国美好的祝福。

I’ll celebrate National Day together with my friends.我要和朋友一起庆祝国庆节。

When do you celebrate National Day in China在中国你们什么时候过国庆节?

What do you eat at National day你们在国庆节吃什么?

October 1st is China’s National Day.十月一日是中国的国庆节。

I’m going to get married on the National Day.我打算国庆节结婚。