
第41章 职场交际(2)


Did you have a pleasant trip旅行愉快吗?


Did you sleep well last night昨晚睡得好吗?


Can you help me typing the contract你能帮我打印这个合同吗?

You have helped me a lot today.你今天帮我大忙了。

Can you help me to sign this document您可以帮我签一下文件吗?

Can you do me a favor to operate this typewriter你能帮我弄一下打字机吗?

Could you give me a hand to send an E-mail你能帮我发个邮件吗?

give me a hand帮我一下

Could you help me to ask for a leave可以帮我请个假吗?

Appreciate your time!占用你的时间了!

I will treat you a meal for your help in my work.为了感谢你对我工作上的帮助,我要请你吃顿饭。


They’re really running you into the ground.他们对你有点太过分了。

run into the ground把……做得过分

I wonder why the manager is so hard on me.我不明白经理为什么对你这么严厉。

I’m really fed up with Mike!我真受够了迈克!

He’s the biggest airhead I’ve ever met.他是我所见过的最大的傻瓜。

Don’t talk with me while I’m in the middle of typing.我打字时不要和我说话。

I wish you’d stop nagging me.我希望你别老这么烦我。

Why did you have to give me this rush job now你为什么非得这个时候给我急件不可呢?

Don’t you think you’re using telephone too much for personal calls你不觉得你的私人电话打得太多了吗?

personal call私人电话

How come everyone in our company middle-aged stuffy为什么我们公司都是一些古板的中年人?

I don’t understand what’s going on inside these young people’s head.我不了解这些年轻人的脑子里想的是什么。

I don’t see why you are kicking up such a fuss.我不明白你为什么要这样小题大做。

kick up引起,激起


Put up or shut up.要么你就去做,不然就给我闭嘴。


The boss invites us to dinner.老板请我们去吃饭。

I meet some new friends at the party.我在聚会上认识了新朋友。

It is an informal party.这次聚会是非正式的。

It is good for building relationships between colleagues.这有利于跟同事搞好关系。

I’ve been trying to figure out when we should have the New Year’s party.我正在盘算着什么时候开一个新年聚会。

figure out想出

You make up the invitations.你来做请柬。


The party will last from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.聚会从下午三点到五点。

Everybody can just go home after the party.聚会结束后,大家就可以回家了。

Are you ready to order or just a minute你们准备好点餐了吗?还是要再等一会儿?

I chatted with my colleagues at the party.聚会上我和同事们聊天。


We can wear ordinary suits.我们可以穿普通套装。


I received an invitation.我收到了邀请函。

I don’t want to take part in the party.我不想参加这次聚会了。

The party can make you relax.聚会可以让你得到放松。

Enjoy yourselves at the party!在聚会上玩得高兴点儿!


Could you tell me what I should do to prepare for a meeting您能告诉我该怎么做会议的准备工作吗?

You should ensure that those you intend to be present are properly informed.保证应该出席会议的人都通知到。

What should I do during the meeting在会议期间我要做什么呢?

You should take minutes.你要做记录。

The meeting is scheduled on Friday.会议安排在星期五。

The meeting has been arranged for Monday evening.这次会议已安排在星期一晚上举行。

arrange for安排,为……做准备

Please arrange the next meeting at a less awkward time.请把下次会议时间安排得方便些。

I set up a meeting.我安排会议。

set up a meeting安排一个会面(会议)

The arrangement for the meeting has been made.会议已经安排就绪。


What’s my schedule for today我今天的安排是什么?

What’s my schedule like我的日程能安排开吗?

Put it in my in-box, would you please请把它放在我的信箱里。


I’ve arranged today’s reports for you to examine.我已将今天的报告整理好了,请您过目。

I am at your disposal, Mr. Manager.经理先生,我听候你的吩咐。

at your disposal任你自由支配;听你差遣

Have you found those files I requested我要的那些档案资料都找到了吗?

I’ll get those plans over to your office tomorrow.我会在明天把计划送到您办公室。

Do you have any particular instructions for this对于这个还有其他什么特别的要求吗?

Let me see the agenda for this next meeting, please.请让我看一下这次开会的议程。

Would you please file these documents for me你可以帮我把这些文件归下类吗?