
第10章 Computer Hardware(3)

An instruction is made up of operations which specify the function to be performed and operands that represent the data to be manipulated. For example, if an instruction is to perform the operation of adding two numbers, it must know what the two numbers are and where the two numbers are. When the numbers are stored in the computer’s memory, they have an address to indicate where they are, so if an operand refers to data in the computer’s memory, it’s called an address. The processor’s job is to retrieve instructions and data from memory and to perform each operation. Having done that, it signals memory to send the next instruction.

The step by step operation is repeated over and over again at speeds measured in millions of a second. A timer called a clock releases precisely timed electrical signals that provide a regular heartbeat for the processor’s work. Megahertz, which means million cycles per second, are used to measure the computer’s speed. A processor is composed of two functional units — a control unit and an arithmetic/logical unit — as well as a set of special workspaces called registers.

1.TheArithmetic and Logic Unit

The arithmetic and logical unit performs the calculations on the numbers and words in the computer. The main operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Most computers can also perform certain logical operations on words.

The arithmetic and logical unit (ALU) is the functional unit that provides the computer with logical and computational capabilities. Data are brought into the ALU by the control unit, and the ALU performs whatever arithmetic or logic operations are required to help carry out the instruction.

2.The Control Unit

The control unit is the functional unit that is responsible for supervising the operation of the entire computer system. It makes the connections between various functional units of the computer system and calls into operation each unit that is required by the program currently in operation.

The first phase of control is to provide signals to activate the operations in the ALU, the memory unit and the input/ output units. After completing an instruction, the control calls for the next instruction from the memory unit. Usually, the instructions are stored in an increasing order of address. An instruction counter is used in the control unit to record the address of the instruction under examination. By incrementing the address counter, the control unit turns to the next instruction to be fetched.

The control unit fetches instructions from memory and determines their types or decodes them. It then breaks each instruction into a serious of simple small steps

or actions. By doing this, it controls the step by step operation of the entire computer system.


A register is a storage location inside the processor. Register in the control unit are used to keep track of the overall status of the program that is running. Control unit registers store information such as the current instruction, the location of the next instruction to be executed, and the operands of the instruction. In the ALU, registers store data items that are added, subtracted, multiplied, divided, and compared. Other registers store the results of arithmetic and logical operations.

An important factor that affects the speed and performance of a processor is the size of the registers. Technically, the term word size describes the size of an operand register, but it is also used more loosely to describe the size of the pathways to and from the processor. Currently, word sizes in general purpose computer range from 8 to 64 bits.



n. 处理器


n. 指令

instruction set



adj. 外围的 n. 外围设备


n. 算术、算法


n. 操作、操作码指令


vt. 解码、解译


n. 操作数


n. 寄存器


n. 兆赫兹


n. 位、比特

control unit


machine language


trigger pulse

















【Reading Material】

VLIW Microprocessors

When Transmute Crop revealed its new Crusoe family of processors last month, experts weren’t surprised to learn that the chips are based on Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) technology. VLIW has become the prevailing philosophy of microprocessor design, eclipsing older approaches such as RISC and complex instruction set computing (CISC).