
第19章 Operating Systems(3)

You’ll notice that this computer features a 60-MHz Pentium CPU, 8 MB of RAM memory, and a 540 megabyte (MB) hard drive, among other things. But how good a system is this? Are these features important to the user? Is this the right combination of features that you need in your computer to have the computer perform the work that you wish to get done? Is a 60-MHz Pentium the best choice of a CPU? Perhaps we are paying too much for the performance that we need. Or maybe we need more.

What does the presence of a 64-bit PCI video accelerator imply in the context of a long-term investment of computers for your organization? What other information about this system would allow you to make a more informed decision?

Some of the expressions used in these articles and ads are obvious from the context. Other references may be more obscure. Presumably, everyone today knows what a “monitor” is. But how many people know what the terms “cache memory” or “multitasking” or “PCI bus” mean or what their importance is? Yet all these expressions have appeared recently in daily newspaper advertisements with the assumption that people would understand the meaning of the ad.

Perhaps you are a student studying to become a computer professional, or perhaps you are simply a user wanting a deeper understanding of what the computer is all about. In either case, you will probably be interacting with computers for the rest of your life. It's nice (as well as useful) to know something about the tools of the trade. More important, understanding the computer system's operations has an immediate benefit: it will allow you to use the machine more effectively.

【New Words】









cache memory


PCI(Peripheral Control Interface)


3.2 Function of Operating Systems

All application programs share some tasks in common. They include accepting characters typed at the keyboard, displaying information on the screen, managing information on a disk, and managing information in memory. The operating system takes care of the details of these tasks. A most important example of how operating systems support application programs is the task of managing files. A file is a named collection of information. Whether your application is general or special purpose, your program needs to store information in files.

The operating system takes care of:

Formatting the disk, which involves electronically preparing the disk to be able to store files.

Managing the location of information on the disk.

Checking to make sure that errors do not occur when reading to and writing from the disk.t

Performing the input and output necessary to retrieve and store information on the disk.

Errors may occur in the CPU and memory hardware (such as a memory error or a power failure), in I/0 devices (such as a parity error on tape, a card jam in the card reader, or the printer out of paper), or in the user program (such as an arithmetic overflow, an attempt to access illegal memory location, or using too much CPU time). For each type of error, the operating system should take the appropriate action to assure correct and consistent computing.

Operating systems also manage the other components of a computer system. They support programs, called device drivers, which control various hardware devices, such as the keyboard, display screen and printer. The device driver translates instructions from the print application program wants to print something, it simply sends the information and the appropriate instructions to the operating system, which, in turn, calls upon the printer device driver to manipulate the printer to perform the desired task.



vt. 分配,分享 n. 共享,份额


n. 任务,作业 vt. 分配任务


adj. 一般的,普通的


n. 形式,格式 vt. 格式化


n. 位置,场所,特定区域


vt. 找到,重新找回


vt. 存储,储备 n. 商店


n. 果酱,困境 vt. 拥挤,堵塞


n. 成分 adj. 组成的,构成的


vt. 操作,操纵,利用


adj. 渴望的,想得到的

takes care of












【Reading Material】

The Computer’s Traffic Cop

Imagine the traffic in a downtown New York City intersection at rush hour, and you’ll have a good idea of what it’s like inside a computer. Electrons are whizzing around at incredible speeds transported this way and that by the electronic equivalent of a hurried traffic cop. Impatient peripherals and programs are honking electronic “horns”, trying to get the cop’s attention. As if the scene weren’t chaotic enough, the “mayor” (the user) wants to come through right now. Somehow, everyone gets though.

The computer’s operating system (OS) keeps traffic running smoothly. You can think of the operating system as a computerized version of a traffic cop, standing at the intersection of the computer’s hardware, application programs, and the user.

Because operating system work closely with the computer’s hardware and with application programs, all of these components must be designed to work together harmoniously. The operating system requires a specific type or family of processors. For example, Microsoft Windows 98 requires Intel Processors, such as the Pentium. Similarly, application programs must be designed to work with a specific operating system. A Macintosh program requires Mac OS and will not run on Microsoft Windows.