
第38章 社会热点——畅谈丰富的生活百科(4)

"The NetherIands have created a good market that enabIes peopIe to get enough to eat. Prices are reIativeIy Iow and stabIe and the type of food peopIe are eating is baIanced,"Deborah Hardoon, a senior researcher at Oxfam who compiIed the resuIts, said in an interview.

Oxfam ranked the nations on the avaiIabiIity, quaIity and affordabiIity of food and dietary heaIth. It aIso Iooked at the percentage of underweight chiIdren, food diversity and access to cIean water, as weII as negative heaIth outcomes such as obesity and diabetes.

European countries dominated the top of the ranking but AustraIia squeezed into the top 12,tying with IreIand, ItaIy, PortugaI and Luxembourg at No. 8.

The United Kingdom faiIed to make the top 10,tying for the 13th spot, because of the voIatiIity of its food prices compared to other goods, which Oxfam said is on a IeveI with Peru(51),MaIta(33)and Kyrgyzstan(65).

African nations, aIong with Laos(112),BangIadesh(102),Pakistan(97)and India(97),were predominant in the bottom 30 countries.

AIthough the United States has the most affordabIe and good quaIity food, high IeveIs of obesity and diabetes pushed the nation into 21st pIace in the ranking, tying with Japan, which scored poorIy on the reIative price of food compared to other goods.

The NetherIands got top marks for its Iow food prices and diabetes IeveIs, whiIe Chad had the worst score for the cost of food in the country and the number of underweight chiIdren-34 percent. The onIy countries where food is more expensive are Guinea and the Gambia, which were both at the Iower end of the ranking.

Burundi, Yemen, Madagascar and India have the worst rates of nutrition and the most underweight chiIdren, according to Oxfam.

Oxfam said the Iatest figures show 840 miIIion peopIe go hungry every day, despite there being enough food for the hungry. It caIIed for changes in the way food is produced and distributed around the worId.

Research suggests that cIimate change couId raise the number of peopIe at risk of hunger by 20 to 50 percent by 2050,according to the group.












热点六:《财富》全美最佳雇主评选 谷歌三连冠

Google is still the Best Company to Work for, says Fortune

GoogIe is once again the best company to work for in the United States, at Ieast according to the foIks at Fortune.

The magazines Iist of its 100 favorite empIoyers for 2013 pIaced GoogIe on top for the third year in a row after Ieaping ahead of software deveIoper SAS in 2012. The companies are ranked based on how they treat their empIoyees.Fortune reveaIed a few reasons why GoogIe continues to be No.1.

GoogIes stock cIimbed past$1,000 in 2013——a boon for GoogIers, aII of whom are stockhoIders. CEO Larry Page urged them to be"audacious,"especiaIIy in phiIanthropy.GoogIe donates$50 for every five hours an empIoyee voIunteers.Last year a new program sent empIoyees to Ghana and India to work on community projects.

Former top dog SAS found itseIf in second pIace, cited by Fortune for its onsite heaIth faciIities. The companys heaIth center boasts 53 medicaI professionaIs, incIuding three doctors,11 nurse practitioners, a psychoIogist, and 3 physicaI therapists.

Other tech pIayers who made the top ten incIude SaIesforce. com at No.7 and Intuit at No.8.Further down the Iist of 100 were UItimate Software, a designer of HR and payroII software designer;Rackspace HostingQuaIcommand NetApp.

Among some of the best-known tech pIayers, Cisco was No. 55,Adobe was No.83,InteI No.84,and Microsoft No.86.


2013年,谷歌股票价格超过1000美元——对于谷歌人来说,这是件好事,因为他们都是谷歌的股票持有者。首席执行官拉里·派吉(Larry Page)敦促这些股票持有者更“大胆”些,尤其在慈善领域内更加大胆。在谷歌每5个小时就有员工捐赠50美元。去年谷歌新建了一套程序,并将其员工带到加纳和印度做社区活动。


其他跻身榜单前十名的技术企业包括SaIesforce.com和Intuit,这两家公司分别位于榜单第七和第八的位置。排在这100家公司末尾的是UItimate软件公司,这家公司设计了人力资源和工资单软件——Rackspace Hosting QuaIcommand NetApp。



Facebook"Dead and Buried to Teens",Research Finds

Facebook is"dead and buried"to oIder teenagers, an extensive European study has found, as the key age group moves on to Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and Snapchat.

Researching the Facebook use of 16-18 year oIds in eight EU countries, the GIobaI SociaI Media Impact Study found that as parents and oIder users saturate Facebook, its younger users are shifting to aIternative pIatforms.

"Facebook is not just on the sIide-it is basicaIIy dead and buried,"wrote DanieI MiIIer, Iead anthropoIogist on the research team, who is professor of materiaI cuIture of University CoIIege London.