
第7章 我型我秀 (4)

constellation [`k3nst4'lei54n] n. 星座 horoscope ['h3r4,sk4up] n. 占星 turn out证实 accurate ['1kjur4t] adj. 准确的 astrology [4'str3l4d9i] n. 占星术 blind faith迷信 superstitious [`sju:p4'sti54s] adj. 迷信的 element ['elim4nt] n. 要素 assertive [4's4:tiv] adj. 断定的 inherit [in'herit] vt. 继承 believe in相信 compatibility [k4m`p1t4'bil4ti] n. 兼容性 typical ['tipik4l] adj. 典型的 sensitive ['sensitiv] adj. 敏感的 perfectionist [p4'fek54nist]n.   完美主义者 overanxious [`4uv4'r16k54s]adj.  过度忧虑的■ Plus Plus:attention在本句中表示“注意力”。例如:Give your whole attention to what you are doing. 把全部注意力用于你所做的事上。 8Type As are sensitive perfectionists but overanxious.  A型血的人是敏感的完美主义者, 但过于焦虑。 A: Type As are sensitive perfectionists but overanxious. B: I’m a typical A. A: I’m an O. 甲:A型血的人是敏感的完美主义者, 但过于焦虑。乙:我就是典型的 A型血。甲:我是 O型的。 ■ Plus Plus:perfectionist表示“完美主义者”。overanxious意为“过于焦虑的,过于渴望的”。 constellation [`k3nst4'lei54n] n. 星座 horoscope ['h3r4,sk4up] n. 占星 turn out证实 accurate ['1kjur4t] adj. 准确的 astrology [4'str3l4d9i] n. 占星术 blind faith迷信 superstitious [`sju:p4'sti54s] adj. 迷信的 element ['elim4nt] n. 要素 assertive [4's4:tiv] adj. 断定的 inherit [in'herit] vt. 继承 believe in相信 compatibility [k4m`p1t4'bil4ti] n. 兼容性 typical ['tipik4l] adj. 典型的 sensitive ['sensitiv] adj. 敏感的 perfectionist [p4'fek54nist]n.   完美主义者 overanxious [`4uv4'r16k54s]adj.  过度忧虑的

> Conversation

会 话 演 练 Unit 10[句 型 演 练] 1. I lost my mind these days, things just don’t go right, no matter how hard I try. lose one’s mind可以解释成“意乱情迷”,也可以理解为“发疯了”。go right指“进展顺利”。例如:Hope things go all right withyou. 望你事事称心。

2. I don’t get you. I don’t get you.的意思就是“我没明白你的意思”。类似的说法还有: I don’t get the point. I don’t get what you are talking about. 3. Life is full of up and down, and so does the shape of moon.up and down有“来回,上下,起伏”的意思。例如:His eyes moved up and down the rows. 他的眼睛对着一排排人转来转去。 Window cleaners are pulled up and down tall buildings on cradles.高层建筑的擦窗工人在工作平台上被吊上吊下。

4. Are you trying to say that no matter what happens, we cannot take for granted and forget to appreciate the potential beauty of our lives?no matter what的意思是“无论什么”,相当于whatever。take for granted指“把……事当成应该的;自然的”。例如: The boy takes his mother’s love for granted. 那个男孩觉得母亲对他


5. They are not alike.alike表示“同样的,相似的”。例如:These twins are very much alike. 这对双胞胎非常相像。

They dress and walk alike. 他们的穿着和走路姿态十分相似。He treats all customers alike. 他对所有的顾客都是一视同仁。They were all dressed alike in white dresses. 他们都是一样的白色装束。

6. Does he a bookworm?bookworm指“书呆子”。喜爱读书的人不一定都是bookworm,喜欢但不痴迷沉溺于此的人叫作booklover,即“喜欢读书的人”。

[模 拟 对 话]1  Life Attitude

Lucy: I lost my mind these days, things just don’t go right, no matter how hard I try.

Henry: Why do you say that?

Lucy: I just think I am such a pathetic loser. No matter how hard I am gonna try, and there is no way I can make it. My life is just a joke.

Henry: Look at the moon. It’s so bright and round, isn’t it?

Lucy: Yes. But I don’t get you. What are you trying to say?

Henry: Life is full of ups and downs, and so does the shape of moon. But the moon will always be there no matter what happens.

Lucy: Are you trying to say that no matter what happens, we cannot take for granted and forget to appreciate the potential beauty of our lives?

Henry: That’s exactly what I am trying to tell you.

Lucy: I need to think it carefully. That’s so deep.

Henry: It’s not as deep as you think. You need just to see the world with hopeful eyes.

Lucy: Is that why I always see smile on your face?

Henry: Yes. It is just because that I always enjoy my life and I have an optimistic heart.







◆性格特点|◆人生态度|◆外貌描述|◆个人秘密|◆会话演练2  Personality Mr. Zhao: Do you like Mary?

Mr. Shen: No, not very much. She’s too ambitious and immodest.

Mr. Zhao: I agree. I like her brother, Paul. They are nothing alike.

Mr. Shen: Yes. They are completely different. He’s very hardworking when he’s at school and much more modes than his sister.

Mr. Zhao: Is he a bookworm?

Mr. Shen: No. But I think he is a little shy.

Mr. Zhao: Oh, I don’t think he is shy! He is always chatting with new students.

Mr. Shen: Well, yes, but those students always start talking to him. I’ve never seen him talking to them first.

Mr. Zhao: How do you think people get their personalities?

Mr. Shen: I think it’s mainly from the environment a person lives in. Mr. Zhao: But Mary and Paul live in the same environment. Mr. Shen: Maybe when they become teenagers, they want to be

completely different from the other.

性 格




lose one’s mind发疯了 go right进展顺利 take for granted认为应该 appreciate [4'pri:5ieit] vt. 欣赏 potential [p4u'ten54l] adj. 潜在的 pathetic [p4'7etik] adj. 可悲的 no matter不论 optimistic [`3pti'mistik] adj. 乐观的

ambitious [1m'bi54s] adj. 有野心的 immodest [i'm3dist] adj. 不谦虚的 modesty ['m3disti] adj. 谦逊的 bookworm ['bukw4:m] n. 书呆子 personality [`p4:s4'n1l4ti] n. 性格 teenager ['ti:n`eid94(r)] n.十几岁的青少年 environment [in'vai4r4nm4nt] n. 环境