
第2章 Foreign Exchange Market (1)


Foreign Exchange dealings take place on the Foreign Exchange market,they may be subject to Exchange Control. The Foreign Exchange market consists of the exchange dealers of the banks and the exchange brokers. It is made up of two sections: the spot market for spot transactions,and the forward market for forward transactions. Spot transactions are foreign exchange transactions that have to be settled promptly,forward transactions have to be settled on an agreed future date. The price of one currency in terms of another is called the rate of exchange or exchange rate. There are different rates for the different exchange instruments,The rates at which the banks sell foreign exchange (selling rates) are higher than the rates at which they buy (buying rates). Spot transactions are concluded at the spot rate and forward transactions at the forward rate. The forward rate may be higher or lower than,or on the same level as,the spot rate. If the forward rate is above the spot rate,the difference is called the premium,if the forward rate is below the spot rate,the difference is known as a discount. If the forward rate is on the same level as the spot rate,they are known as at par.



exchange [iks5tFeindV] v. 交换;调换;兑换

broker [5brEukE] n. 经纪人

transaction [trAn5zAkFEn] n. 交易;业务;买卖

rate [reit] n. 比例,率;比率


现货交易( spot transaction)





Foreign Exchange dealings take place on the Foreign Exchange market,they may be subject to Exchange Control.

It is made up of two sections: the spot market for spot transactions,and the forward market for forward transactions.

The forward rate may be higher or lower than,or on the same level as,the spot rate.

第一章 The Courses that Make You Rich in University


Is it common knowledge that school doesn’t prepare you well for the real world?

Sure,you can get a good degree,find a well-paying job,work until you’re in your 60s,and then retire to enjoy the life you’ve deferred for 40 years. However,that may not prove to be a successful life,a secure life,a financially sound life. A lot will depend on your outlook and your goals but know this: School doesn’t prepare you well for achieving wealth or becoming an entrepreneur and it downright fails at teaching you how to be rich.

Nevertheless,school is here to stay. For now. Thus,it helps to identify which classes are the most relevant and helpful for those of us looking to become rich entrepreneurs. There are,in fact,several courses that contain critical information and instruction that,if used correctly,will put you on your path to riches.


Although this list is in no particular order,I think Accounting is,by far,the most important course to take if you want to succeed financially. Today’s “credit crunch”illustrates that there are too many people who do not understand a balance sheet. Someone who walks into Best Buy and pays for a 47-inch plasma television with a credit card does not comprehend the difference between an asset and a liability.

Learning the difference between assets and liabilities,as well as concepts like inventory and cash flow,is essential if you intend on keeping your finances in order. Moreover,these concepts are crucial if you want to start your own business. The health of a business is reflected in its balance sheet and financial statement. As those numbers go,so does the business. Accounting will help you understand that cash flow is what helps a business succeed,and it is what helps you as an individual succeed.


If you intend on making money from selling something (which,incidentally,is how any business makes money),then you need to learn how to find the right product. Marketing,in and of itself,is not selling. However,it helps you learn how to promote certain products and services. By taking Marketing,you can understand the process involved in figuring out what consumers want,focusing on a product that satisfies those desires,and the attempt at moving consumers toward that product.

Too often,products fail because their creators didn’t bother to learn whether a market existed for that product. This process involves research and time,but,in the end,it can save a business thousands,if not millions,of dollars. As an entrepreneur,it can also save you valuable time and money. Find the market first,and then develop the product.
