
第34章 婚礼之舞

The Wedding Dance

佚名 / Anonymous

The hand that clasps mine is not that of the child I can still remember, but that of the man he has become. From that hand to his face to the smile he beams at me, he is his father in days gone by. We move gracefully across the floor as his young bride looks on. My new daughter. Oh, how the years have passed! It seems I didn’t even notice. One day, I held a squalling infant in my exhausted arms and counted tiny pink fingers and toes. The next, I’m no longer the most important woman in his life.

An effortless spin and he’s taking me across the floor with a flare like his father’s. I wonder if he’s looking down on us at this moment as my son’s eyes sparkle with his mischief. Suddenly, I’m bent backward and laughing like a girl half my age, my young rogue leaning over me and guests applauding. He kisses my cheek and spins me upright again. The regretful tears of the past threaten my eyes.

No, they are not regretful tears. I have no regrets where this boy—this man—is concerned. He has been, and always will be, my pure joy. Time cannot wipe away the sadness and heartache, but there was never regret! Heartache comes with having children as it does with being alive. If my son is all he wants to be, I have no regrets.

As the music slows, his mood seems to waver. Knowing that if I see any of what I’m feeling in his eyes I will surely cry, I move into his arms and rest my head on his strong shoulder. A hush has descended on the entire room; not even the babies are fussing. The gentle piano guides us around the floor, passed faces that have always been near, and new ones destined for the same. Their smiles bring one to my face as I realize this is not a day for tears. The hand against my back gives me a squeeze. It is a most subtle gesture to let me know my new daughter’s turn to care for him has come.

It is not a day for tears, but they threaten nonetheless. I sigh and touch his smooth cheek, seeing the face of a baby, child, teen, and man. Is this day so difficult for all mothers? I can’t help wondering. As the music switches with ease to the one, he chose to dance to with his bride, I turn and find her shy face with my other hand. I can’t speak to either, but I know that my heart is in my eyes as each receives my kiss.

Walking to the edge of the floor, I suddenly realize I do have one regret today. I regret that my husband is not here to hold my hand.






走到舞池尽头时,我突然意识到,今天确实有件遗憾的事—— 丈夫没能在这里牵着我的手。


1. It I didn’t even notice. One day, I a squalling infant in my exhausted arms and counted tiny pink fingers and toes. The , I’m no longer the most important in his life.

2. No, they are regretful tears. I have no regrets this boy—this man—is concerned. He has been, and always be, my pure joy. Time cannot wipe away the sadness and heartache, there was never regret! Heartache comes with having as it does with being alive. If my son is all he to be, I have no regrets.


1. 随着岁月的流逝,从他的手到脸,还有他冲我微笑的样子,都越来越像他的父亲。

2. 时间抹不去那些悲伤和心痛,但是没什么可遗憾的,正如活着就会有伤心的时刻一样,有孩子也会有伤心。

3. 这个日子不该哭泣,但是眼泪却要落下来。


1. I wonder if he’s looking down on us at this moment as my son’s eyes sparkle with his mischief.

look down:俯视;向下看;用目光慑服某人

2. Heartache comes with having children as it does with being alive.

do with:利用,处理;需要;忍受;与……相处