
第46章 人尽其才

Out of Place

奥里森·马登 / Orison Marden

“But I’m good for something.” pleaded a young man whom a merchant was about to discharge for his bluntness.

“You are good for nothing as a salesman,” said his employer.

“I am sure I can be useful,”said the youth.

“How? Tell me how.”

“I don’t know, sir, I don’t know.”

“Nor do I,” said the merchant, laughing at the earnestness of his clerk.

“Only don’t put me away, sir, don’t put me away. Try me at something besides selling. I cannot sell, I know I cannot sell.”

“I know that, too,” said the principal, “that is what is wrong.”

“But I can make myself useful somehow,” persisted the young man, “I know I can.”

He was placed in the counting-house, where his aptitude for figures soon showed itself, and in a few years he became not only chief cashier in the large store, but an eminent accountant...

A man out of place is like a fish out of water. Its fins mean nothing, they are only a hindrance. The fish can do nothing but flounder out of its element. But as soon as the fins feel the water, they mean something...

A man out of place is not half a man. He feels unmanned. He cannot respect himself, hence he cannot be respected.

John Adams’ father was a shoemaker, and, trying to teach his son the art, gave him some “uppers” to cut out by a pattern which had a three-cornered hole in it to hang it up by. The future statesman followed the pattern, hole and all.

A man out of place may manage to get a living, but he has lost the buoyancy, energy and enthusiasm which are as natural to a man in his place as his breath. He is industrious, but he works mechanically and without heart. It is to support himself and family, not because he cannot help it. Dinner time does not come two hours before he realizes it; a man out of place is constantly looking at his watch and thinking of his salary.

If a man is in his place he is happy, joyous, cheerful, energetic, fertile in resources. The days are all too short for him. All his faculties give their consent to his work; say“yes” to his occupation. He is a man; he respects himself and is happy because all his powers are at play in their natural sphere.

To be out of place is demoralizing to all the powers of manhood. We can’t cheat nature out of her aim; if she has set all the currents of your life toward medicine or law, you will only be a botch at anything else.

Will-power and application cannot make a farmer of a born painter any more than a lumbering draught horse can be changed into a race horse. When the powers are not used along the line of their strength they become demoralized, weakened, deteriorated. Self-respect, enthusiasm and courage ooze out; we become half-hearted and success is impossible.

Man only grows when he is developing along the lines of his own individuality, and not when he is trying to be somebody else. All attempts to imitate another man, when there is no one like you in all creation, as the pattern was broken when you were born, is not only to ruin your own pattern, but to make only an echo of the one imitated.

Anywhere else we are dwarfs, weaklings, echoes, and the echo even of a great man is a sorry contrast to even the smallest human being who is himself.





















1. He was in the counting-house, where his aptitude for figures showed itself, and in a few he became not only chief cashier in the large store, an eminent accountant...

2. A man of place may manage to get a living, but he has lost the buoyancy, energy and enthusiasm are as natural to a man in his place as his .

3. All attempts to imitate another man, there is no one like you in all creation, as the pattern was broken when you were , is not only to ruin your own pattern, but to only an echo of the one imitated.


1. “我也知道你没卖出多少东西,”老板说,“那才是要开除你的原因。”

2. 因为在正常范围内,他所有的能力都得以发挥。

3. 不能发挥才能的位置,会打击一个人的所有能力。


1. Only don’t put me away, sir.

put away:放好;抛弃;储存

2. A man out of place may manage to get a living.

manage to:设法;达成