
第50章 支持自己的观点!

Support the Decision You Make !

佚名 / Anonymous

When you make a deep decision to do something or to make a change, it is a good idea to create an environment that supports and sustains the decision.

This is especially important as there are probably already in place old habits that support previous decisions, habits that may have some life of their own, and that may tend to continue on their own…out of habit…until and unless they are replaced with habits that support your new decision.

How can you create an environment that supports a decision? There are many ways, depending upon the circumstances. Here are some possibilities to help you get started:

1. Ask others, enlist and enroll others to help support your new decision. For example, at a celebration event, when you want to watch what you eat — instead of allowing people to pressure you into “enjoying” yourself by eating what you USED to eat, ask them to help you keep yourself on track, and to help you ward off other people who might press you to eat in your old ways.

2. Make physical changes in your work and/or living space that supports and is in line with your new decision.

3. New clothes that suit your new decision.

4. Create a space that will make room for what you want. Might be a garage for a new car, floor space for new furniture or an entertainment center, or space for an exercise bike…for instance. Create a space that can be filled with what you want.

5. Re-work your schedule and your habits and routines to support what you decided for.When will you take certain steps that are related to and support your decision?

6. Tell others in your personal or work community of your new decision, and ask for their help and support.

7. If you are in the habit of telling people about intentions you then don’t act on... then consider keeping it a secret, and using all that energy towards implementing your new decision, and SHOW people the results.

8. Change your community: educate people about your decision, and associate less with those who support your old decision, and associate more with people who will gladly support your new decision.

9. Plan a legacy, or something else that implies having succeeded at your new decision. Focus on that.

10. Pay attention to the present, and take actions that support your new decision, now…refusing to live in the future or the past. Live the way you want to live, now.















1. This is especially as there are probably already in place old that support previous decisions, habits that may have some of their own, and that may tend to continue on their own…out of habit… and unless they are replaced with habits that support your new .

2. If you are the habit of telling people about intentions you don’t act on... then consider keeping it a , and using all that energy towards implementing your new decision, and SHOW people the .


1. 对你的工作和生活环境做一下表面的改变,让它们和你的新决定一致。

2. 你什么时候采取相关措施来支持你的决定呢?

3. 拒绝沉迷于过去和将来,从现在开始用自己喜欢的方式生活。


1. and that may tend to continue on their own…out of habit.

tend to:趋向;注意;易于;有……的倾向

2. If you are in the habit of telling people about intentions you then don’t act on.

in the habit of:有……习惯