
第59章 创造力十大秘诀

The Top 10 Secrets of Creativity

佚名 / Anonymous

1. Creativity takes time and silent space. It is best to schedule time daily or at least weekly to allow yourself time to develop your creativity.

2. There are cycles of creativity. We are not always in a harvesting: phase and there will be times when you feel as if nothing is happening. Don’t become concerned.

3. Select mentors, friends and dream partners wisely. A sad, but true, fact is that not everyone (sometimes even those closest to you) will support your dreams. You don’t have to sever any ties, just carefully select the members of your creative team.

4. Commit to yourself. Overcoming guilt is a big factor in unleashings creativity. It may mean having a messy house or not over committing.

5. Set strong boundaries. Choose your commitments carefully. To paraphrase Oprah Winfrey —“I say No to many things, so that I may say Yes to what gives me life.”

6. Work from your strengths. We have a tendency to focus on our weaknesses and spend enormous amounts of time trying to “improve”. The reality is that were you to spend 80% of your effort to become good at a weakness you might improve that area by 20%. But if you were to spend that same 80% of your effort to improve an area of strength, you might improve it by 100% or more!

7. Fear is a companion of creativity. Make friends with fear, you will probably feel fear when you venture out into unfamiliar territory. Expect it and redefine it as energy so you can move on.

8. Stop criticizing yourself. Stay positive about your performance. Yes, you can polish it and improve, but focus on the fact that you are taking action in the first place.

9. Get over perfectionism. A tough one! You will rarely try anything new if you only stick to the things you have already mastered.

10. Play, have fun, feel joyful! Creativity is about play. When you do the things you love and abandon yourself to your feelings of joy, you know you've found your highest expression of creativity.












1. mentors, friends and dream partners wisely. A sad, but true, fact is that not everyone (sometimes even those closest to you) will support your . You don’t have to sever any ties, just carefully select the of your creative team.

2. is a companion of creativity. Make with fear, you will probably feel fear when you venture out unfamiliar territory. Expect it and redefine it as energy you can move on.

3. Get over perfectionism. A tough ! You will rarely try anything if you only stick to the things you have mastered.


1. 最好每天或至少每周制定时间表,为自己创造力的开发留些时间。

2. 我否定许多事,这样我才能接受生活赋予我的新事物。

3. 当你做自己喜欢的事,陶醉在快乐中时,你就找到了创造力的最佳表达。


1. We have a tendency to focus on our weaknesses and spend enormous amounts of time trying to“improve”.

focus on:集中于

2. Expect it and redefine it as energy so you can move on.

move on:往前走,前进;出发,离开