

There are thousands,yes,millions of people seeking the secret—the key to health,riches,happiness,contentment and a solution of their problems.

Through the ages many men and women had the secret,used the power; and I am positive you can acquire it too if you'll think as you read,accept and apply the ideas contained herein.

What do you want?

Where are you going?

Answer these two questions and you will give your life purpose and direction.If you don't know what you want or where you are going,you will get next to nothing and end up nowhere.The person who is unsettled in mind is surrounded with unsettled conditions.

Never forget: like always attracts like!

How you are thinking today determines what you will be and where you will be tomorrow!

Have you ever noticed the indecisive individual? If he is behind the wheel of a car,he is first in one lane and then in another; he slows down to make a turn,then changes his mind and speeds up; he is over-cautious one minute and reckless the next; he doesn't know where he's at or why—and no one else does,either.

That is no way to get any place or do anything worthwhile.If you are unsettled,uncertain,undecided in your thoughts and actions,it is a sure sign that you are not in complete control of your mind and emotions.It is evidence that you have not yet been introduced to this creative power within which can transform your life.

Today there is a superabundance of talk about atomic power.You may notice they always compare what an atom bomb or a hydrogen bomb or a cobalt bomb can do in terms of so many thousand tons of T NT.

When I first discovered this power in me,the power that best described it was T N T.If you have a force in you equal to TN T,you don't need any greater power than that to move the mountains of fear and doubt and worry and tension and inferiority and frustration and hate and greed and prejudice which have been holding you back and weighing you down.

Just light the fuse,by picturing right things happening to you.Then step back and let "that something"— the magnetic creative power within you—take over.

What can it do for you?

You name it—and it can do it! Name it,believe in it,picture it,work at it,and this power will attract to you everything you need to accomplish what you desire.

Overcoming handicaps

A friend of mine who stuttered when a boy wanted to be a preacher.He grew up still wanting to be a preacher,but when he confided his desires to friends and loved ones,they either laughed at him or tried to discourage his ambition.

"Better pick up some vocation where you don't have to appear in public," they recommended."No one will ever listen to you.Why,you can't speak a sentence without difficulty and when you start stammering,it's embarrassing.It takes you half a minute,sometimes,to get a word out.”

"But I don't have to be this way all my life," this man insisted."One of these days I'm going to speak as well as anyone else.I can see myself doing it and I will do it! "

Today this man has a big church on the West coast.He is one of the most convincing and forceful speakers I have ever heard,and you would never know that there was a time when he had such a serious impediment in his speech.

How did he overcome this drawback? By picturing! By calling upon that God-given creative power to help him out.

He told me he used to go out into the farmyard and talk for hours to the chickens.He imagined they were people and that he was addressing them.He said,"I seemed to scare them at first,and I guess I did go through a great many contortions,trying to speak without distortion.Sometimes they would eye me curiously,stopping their eating to do it,and I would imagine I was holding their attention by my oratory.Occasionally,they would act as if they were mesmerized,as chickens often do,and I would pretend I was spellbinding them.Gradually,I obtained better and better control of myself,partly through this practice,and partly through gaining an understanding of what had caused me to stutter.

"You see,my father had been a very dominating man.He believed in the old adage,'a child should be seen but not heard.' He criticized me,as a boy,when I would speak or express my ideas.It made me self-conscious.I became afraid that I would be ridiculed every time I opened my mouth.This caused me to start stuttering.After that,I was reluctant to speak in the presence of anyone,and people didn't want me to try because it distressed them to see me struggle to say what I wanted to say.

"When I found that I could speak,without stammering,in the presence of the chickens and livestock,I developed the confidence that I could speak just as well in the presence of people.This confidence came as the result of a funny idea which occurred to me.I got the idea that all I had to do was to picture people as so many chickens and cows and horses—and,by doing that,I would lose my fear of them.

"It was a boyish concept but it worked.It helped me not to take myself too seriously,to overcome my sense of inferiority and my feeling of self-consciousness.I realized,too,that I had been picturing myself unable to talk in the presence of others because I had been afraid of my father's rebukes.As soon as I changed this picture,and asked for the power to express myself without fear,'that something' took hold of me.I then attracted the experiences and the training which developed me into the preachers I am today—just as I had visualized so many years ago!"

No matter what your seeming handicap,this creative power is ready and waiting to help you overcome it!

Are you preparing your mind for the manifestation of this power in and through you?

How can you believe?

You first have to be convinced that this power isn't freakish,that it is real and dependable,that you'll be able to recognize it when you discover it within you and that You will know how to go about using it.

That's the purpose,of course,of this book—to reveal that creative power to you and to give you the know-how to make it work successfully for you,as it has for thousands of others.