

"on the morning of June 10th,this year,I arose with a haunting little tune which kept recurring in my mind.Finally the words came,one by one,and after a couple of hours,during which I went about my household duties,the whole song came back to me,words and music.My husband was working out in the garden and I rushed out to him and asked if he'd like to hear a cunning little song about 'the little paper parasol.' I sang it to him,over and over,and told him how it had been running through my mind all morning.He is a very matter-of-fact person and laughed good-humoredly at me for making such a fuss about it.Then I forgot the whole incident.

"On June 18th,I found in our mailbox an envelope from Mexico which appeared to have more than just sheets of paper inside.I carried it into the house,wondering who it could be from and what it could contain,how it got past the import people,and so on.When I opened it—there,to my surprise—was a little paper parasol—and a note,from my daughter,saying: ' Remember the little girl to whom you brought tiny Japanese umbrellas after you went to grown up parties?'

"Unfortunately,there was no date on my daughter's message and because of the way the stamp was cancelled,I could not see the exact date of mailing.But I had,of course,not written my daughter about singing the little song previously,or thinking so strongly of the little parasol.Just the same—it's very evident to me that she picked up my thoughts or I picked up hers.After all these years,anything as unusual as this could not have been a coincidence!"

Of course it couldn't have been a coincidence! Mind communicates with mind,between friends and loved ones particularly,much more often than we consciously realize!

There are those who believe that they can communicate,on occasion,with dear ones who have gone on,through mind.Why not? If human beings survive death and can communicate,mind to mind,while on earth,they should still be able to reach us through mind when we have developed our powers of sensitivity highly enough ...or in our dreams,when the conscious mind is blanked out and we are in the subconscious realm,not bounded by time or space!

Arthur Godfrey,in an issue of that fine little inspirational magazine,Guideposts,tells of a "psychic experience" of his own:

"It was in 1923.I was stationed on board a Navy destroyer—in charge of radio communications.I had knocked around a lot since I had left home.The years and life had not been too kind but the Navy had been a sanctuary,the only security I had known for a long time.One day,I fell asleep in my bunk and dreamed.

"My Dad—I had not seen him for years—suddenly walked into the room.He offered his hand,saying,'So long,kid!' I answered,'So long,Dad.' I said some kind of prayer.It wasn't eloquent but it came from the heart.

"I never saw him again.When I woke up,my buddies told me that at the exact time while I was asleep,the wires from shore hummed the news of my Dad's death.

"Don't tell me about science and its exact explanation of everything.Some things are bigger.God is the difference.He gets around."

Yes,God is the difference ...the God Power within.But it's up to you to develop this power and learn to use it in your every-day life.Train yourself to follow your hunches,the guidance you receive from the impressions that come to you.If you believe in your higher powers,if you have faith they will operate for you,they will! And once you have had any experiences of your own,similar to those described in this chapter,you will never doubt again!


To lick the world,it's necessary to be in good health! You need vitality of body to support an energetic mind.Those who have to carry sick and ailing bodies around with them are often laboring under self-imposed handicaps.In many instances,their own wrong thinking and emotional reactions have brought the illnesses upon them.

Cross-examine yourself! If you don't possess the degree of health you should have,what have you been doing to help create these disturbed conditions? You can be sure you've been doing something to upset the chemistry of your body by letting some fears,worries,hates or resentments run riot inside you.Nothing happens by accident.There are causes behind even the most insignificant things that occur.It's now an established fact that your body reflects the attitudes of your mind,if these attitudes become chronic.You well know that worry and apprehension can upset your digestion,cause your heart to palpitate,bring on a shortness of breath and nervous perspiration.A sudden fright can do all that.So don't try to tell me that how you think and feel doesn't affect your health!

Now,get this important point: if your mind has the power to make you sick,through wrong thinking,it obviously has the power to make you well,to heal you,through right thinking!

I do not claim that the power of will,the creative power,is a cure-all; but I do know that the right mental attitude will aid any person in ill health.Do you remember the Frenchman,Dr.Emile Coué,who was in this country some years ago,telling people they could cure themselves if they would adopt his plan? His idea was very simple.All you had to do was say to yourself,over and over: "Every day,in every way,I am getting better and better."

Lots of folks laughed at Dr.Coué.His method was so simple that they said he was "nuts." There was nothing new in his idea,any more than there is anything new in the ideas I'm putting forth.Just another way of expressing the whole scheme ...reiteration,repetition ...keeping uppermost in mind all the time what you want....Those positive thoughts,in turn,are passed on to the subconscious mind—the creative power within.

Think health,wealth and happiness and they will all be yours,in time.It cannot be otherwise!