

Yes,much knowledge can be revealed to you through dreams,and the creative power within often uses a dream as a medium through which to present information you need to have of past,present or future events.Of course,the difficulty of correct interpretation often enters in because many dreams are caused by disturbed physical and mental states(such as indigestion,fear,worry,suspicion,resentment,etc.).There is a tendency,when the conscious mind is made passive,through sleep,for the troubles of the day to dramatize themselves in distorted dream form—and this type of dream is seldom significant.It may reveal,to the psychiatrist,the causes of your fears and apprehensions and other emotional instabilities,but little or nothing to you.However,there are other times when you are projected ahead into the future,and your intuitive faculties bring you vivid dreams,in whole or in part,of events coming toward you in time ...events for which the causes already exist ...causes you may have set up in yourself through your reaction to past experiences.These dreams deserve your most careful analysis,for they may give you a clue as to how you should prepare to meet or to avoid a developing situation.These dream warnings,properly evaluated,can enable you to change your thinking and thus change the possible happenings themselves.

Upon retiring,if you desire an answer,during sleep,to a pressing problem—suggest to "that something" within that it bring you the answer in this manner With practice,you can often induce the reception of information you need,in dreams,Many people say,"I decided to sleep on it—and I woke up with the answer!"

If man is master of his fate,responsible to no one but himself,how can you resolve this and the fact that life has been at work in a thousand ways,functioning as a "going concern" before he was born? It certainly appears at every point we are involved in processes,functions and activities over which we are unable to exercise any significant control.How do we answer this?

Man should be master of his fate.He was so designed and given the potentiality through a creative power within,capable of carrying him to inconceivable heights.But man,thus far,has not made too intelligent use of this power,en masse.Individually,however,man's achievements have approached the sublime.Consider Helen Keller,who rose above seemingly hopeless handicaps of deafness,dumbness and blindness—expressing her personality and her great soul through her impaired physical instrument as an inspiration to all mankind.Surely she is a "master of her fate." Give a thought to Steinmetz,the electrical wizard,who was born with a misshapen head,a hunchback,spindly legs,an over-all frail body.But the oddly formed head housed a great brain.Those who knew Steinmetz say that they lost all consciousness of his body,the brilliance of the man caused it to fade from sight.Another "master of his fate."

Think,too,of Beethoven,whom nature endowed with an ugly face and a defect which should have been fatal to anyone who aspired to write music—he became deaf! And yet the mind of Beethoven brought forth some of the noblest music ever written,music that will live forever and bring joy to millions still unborn.Few human beings realize ,when they thrill to Beethoven's greatest work,his Ninth Symphony,that this great composer never heard a single note of it! Surely,this giant of music was "master of his fate." And hundreds and thousands of other men and women,calling upon "that something"—the creative power within—have surmounted all the "processes,functions and activities" which they found in existence when they arrived here,and which ordinarily might have been thought to be against them; obstacles to their attainment of any success.

No.Man has not been cast adrift in this world,a victim of circumstances and forces beyond his control.He possesses,in his inner consciousness,all the power he needs for self-mastery.Man has but to discover it and learn to use it,That is all.


When you get hold of a good thing,pass it on.That's the way to win friends and attract more people to you.Don't be selfish.When you get the opportunity,help others to understand TNT and to make it do the same for them that it has done for you.Every time you give others a lift,you give yourself a bigger one.

Some people,who don't understand and don't want to understand,may say you are conceited,self-centered,or selfish; but don't let this disturb you.Those are the scoffers ...those who would put rocks in your road and otherwise impede your progress.You'll always encounter this type on the highways and byways of life.They are not going anywhere,and want to take you along with them.Those who understand will want what you have to give them and will be helpful,eager to serve you… to work with you.The intelligent ones,as they observe the headway you arc making will begin co study you to determine what you have that they haven't—and try to discover your secret.

I have given you a grip on it; hold it to you tightly and start moving forward.

George Jean Nathan,one of America's foremost dramatic critics,in a compilation of Living Philosophies,declares he has never known a man who succeeded in life,in a material way,who did not think of himself first,last and all the time.Naturally,I don't know just how Nathan meant that,but I am sure he did not mean that a successful man is selfish to the point where he isn't helpful to others; because if you follow the theme as I have outlined it,and get on the road to success,you will not be led to act ruthlessly.