书城公版The Skin Game


[ROLF starts to go, stops, looks at her, and does go.CHLOE, with a little moaning sound, flutters again, magpie-like, up and down, then stands by the window listening.Voices are heard, Left.She darts out of the window and away to the Right, as HILLCRIST and JILL come in.They have turned up the electric light, and come down in frond of the fireplace, where HILLCRIST sits in an armchair, and JILL on the arm of it.They are in undress evening adore.

HILLCRIST.Now, tell me.

JILL.There isn't much, Dodo.I was in an awful funk for fear Ishould meet any of the others, and of course I did meet Rolf, but Itold him some lie, and he took me to her room-boudoir, they call it --isn't boudoir a "dug-out" word?

HILLCRIST.[Meditatively] The sulking room.Well?

JILL.She was sitting like this.[She buries her chin in her hands, wide her elbows on her knees] And she said in a sort of fierce way: "What do you want?" And I said: "I'm awfully sorry, but I thought you might like it."HILLCRIST.Well?

JILL.She looked at me hard, and said: "I suppose you know all about it." And I Said: "Only vaguely," because of course I don't.

And she said: "Well, it was decent of you to come." Dodo, she looks like a lost soul.What has she done?

HILLCRIST.She committed her real crime when she married young Hornblower without telling him.She came out of a certain world to do it.

JILL.Oh! [Staring in front of her) Is it very awful in that world, Dodo?

HILLCRIST.[Uneasy] I don't know, Jill.Some can stand it, Isuppose; some can't.I don't know which sort she is.

JILL.One thing I'm sure of: she's awfully fond of Chearlie.

HILLCRIST.That's bad; that's very bad.

JILL.And she's frightened, horribly.I think she's desperate.

HILLCRIST.Women like that are pretty tough, Jill; don't judge her too much by your own feelings.

JILL.No; only---- Oh! it was beastly; and of course I dried up.

HILLCRIST.[Feelingly] H'm! One always does.But perhaps it was as well; you'd have been blundering in a dark passage.

JILL.I just said: "Father and I feel awfully sorry; if there's anything we can do----"HILLCRIST.That was risky, Jill.

JILL.(Disconsolately) I had to say something.I'm glad I went, anyway.I feel more human.

HILLCRIST.We had to fight for our home.I should have felt like a traitor if I hadn't.

JILL.I'm not enjoying home tonight, Dodo.

HILLCRIST.I never could hate proper; it's a confounded nuisance.

JILL.Mother's fearfully' bucked, and Dawker's simply oozing triumph.I don't trust him.Dodo; he's too--not pugilistic--the other one with a pug-naceous.

HILLCRIST.He is rather.

JILL.I'm sure he wouldn't care tuppence if Chloe committed suicide.

HILLCRIST.[Rising uneasily) Nonsense! Nonsense!

JILL.I wonder if mother would.

HILLCRIST.[Turning his face towards the window] What's that? Ithought I heard--[Louder]--Is these anybody out there?

[No answer.JILL, springs up and runs to the window.]


[She dives through to the Right, and returns, holding CHLOE'Shand and drawing her forward]

Come in! It's only us! [To HILLCRIST] Dodo!

HILLCRIST.[Flustered, but making a show of courtesy] Good evening! Won't you sit down?

JILL.Sit down; you're all shaky.

[She makes CHLOE sit down in the armchair, out of which they have risen, then locks the door, and closing the windows, draws the curtains hastily over them.]

HILLCRIST.[Awkward and expectant] Can I do anything for you?

CHLOE.I couldn't bear it he's coming to ask you----HILLCRIST.Who?

CHLOE.My husband.[She draws in her breath with a long shudder, then seem to seize her courage in her hands] I've got to be quick.

He keeps on asking--he knows there's something.]

HILLCRIST.Make your mind easy.We shan't tell him.

CHLOE.[Appealing] Oh! that's not enough.Can't you tell him something to put him back to thinking it's all right? I've done him such a wrong.I didn't realise till after--I thought meeting him was just a piece of wonderful good luck, after what I'd been through.I'm not such a bad lot--not really.

[She stops from the over-quivering of her lips.JILL, standing beside the chair, strokes her shoulder.HILLCRIST stands very still, painfully biting at a finger.]

You see, my father went bankrupt, and I was in a shop----HILLCRIST.[Soothingly, and to prevent disclosures] Yes, yes; Yes, yes!

CHLOE.I never gave a man away or did anything I was ashamed of--at least--I mean, I had to make my living in all sorts of ways, and then I met Charlie.

[Again she stopped from the quivering of her lips.]

JILL.It's all right.

CHLOE.He thought I was respectable, and that was such a relief, you can't think, so--so I let him.

JILL.Dodo! It's awful HILLCRIST.It is!

CHLOE.And after I married him, you see, I fell in love.If I had before, perhaps I wouldn't have dared only, I don't know--you never know, do you? When there's a straw going, you catch at it.

JILL.Of course you do.

CHLOE.And now, you see, I'm going to have a child.

JILL.[Aghast] Oh! Are you?


CHLOE.[Dully] I've been on hot bricks all this month, ever since that day here.I knew it was in the wind.What gets in the wind never gets out.[She rises and throws out her arms] Never! It just blows here and there [Desolately] and then--blows home.[Her voice changes to resentment] But I've paid for being a fool--'tisn't fun, that sort of life, I can tell you.I'm not ashamed and repentant, and all that.If it wasn't for him! I'm afraid he'll never forgive me; it's such a disgrace for him--and then, to have his child! Being fond of him, I feel it much worse than anything Iever felt, and that's saying a good bit.It is.

JILL.[Energetically] Look here! He simply mustn't find out.

CHLOE.That's it; but it's started, and he's bound to keep on because he knows there's something.A man isn't going to be satisfied when there's something he suspects about his wife, Charlie wouldn't never.He's clever, and he's jealous; and he's coming here.

[She stops, and looks round wildly, listening.]

JILL.Dodo, what can we say to put him clean off the scent?

HILLCRIST.Anything--in reason.