

[Re-enter ARIEL, with the MASTER and BOATSWAIN amazedly following]

O look, sir; look, sir! Here is more of us! I prophesied, if a gallows were on land, This fellow could not drown.Now, blasphemy, That swear'st grace o'erboard, not an oath on shore? Hast thou no mouth by land? What is the news? BOATSWAIN.The best news is that we have safely found Our King and company; the next, our ship- Which but three glasses since we gave out split- Is tight and yare, and bravely rigg'd, as when We first put out to sea.ARIEL.[Aside to PROSPERO] Sir, all this service Have I done since I went.PROSPERO.[Aside to ARIEL] My tricksy spirit! ALONSO.These are not natural events; they strengthen From strange to stranger.Say, how came you hither? BOATSWAIN.If I did think, sir, I were well awake, I'd strive to tell you.We were dead of sleep, And-how, we know not-all clapp'd under hatches; Where, but even now, with strange and several noises Of roaring, shrieking, howling, jingling chains, And moe diversity of sounds, all horrible, We were awak'd; straightway atliberty; Where we, in all her trim, freshly beheld Our royal, good, and gallant ship; our master Cap'ring to eye her.On a trice, so please you, Even in a dream, were we divided from them, And were brought moping hither.ARIEL.[Aside to PROSPERO] Was't well done? PROSPERO.[Aside to ARIEL] Bravely, my diligence.Thou shalt be free.ALONSO.This is as strange a maze as e'er men trod; And there is in this business more than nature Was ever conduct of.Some oracle Must rectify our knowledge.PROSPERO.Sir, my liege, Do not infest your mind with beating on The strangeness of this business; at pick'd leisure, Which shall be shortly, single I'll resolve you, Which to you shall seem probable, of every These happen'd accidents; till when, be cheerful And think of each thing well.[Aside to ARIEL] Come hither, spirit; Set Caliban and his companions free; Untie the spell.[Exit ARIEL] How fares my gracious sir? There are yet missing of your company Some few odd lads that you remember not.

[Re-enter ARIEL, driving in CALIBAN, STEPHANO, and TRINCULO, in their stolen apparel]

STEPHANO.Every man shift for all the rest, and let no man take care for himself; for all is but fortune.Coragio, bully-monster, coragio! TRINCULO.If these be true spies which I wear in my head, here's a goodly sight.CALIBAN.O Setebos, these be brave spirits indeed! How fine my master is! I am afraid He will chastise me.SEBASTIAN.Ha, ha! What things are these, my lord Antonio? Will money buy'em? ANTONIO.Very like; one of them Is a plain fish, and no doubt marketable.PROSPERO.Mark but the badges of these men, my lords, Then say if they be true.This mis-shapen knave- His mother was a witch, and one so strong That could control the moon, make flows and ebbs, And deal in her command without her power.These three have robb'd me; and this demi- devil- For he's a bastard one-had plotted with them To take my life.Two of these fellows you Must know and own; this thing of darkness I Acknowledge mine.CALIBAN.I shall be pinch'd to death.ALONSO.Is not this Stephano, my drunken butler? SEBASTIAN.He is drunk now; where had he wine? ALONSO.And Trinculo is reeling ripe; where should they Find this grand liquor that hath gilded 'em? How cam'st thou in thispickle? TRINCULO.I have been in such a pickle since I saw you last that, I fear me, will never out of my bones.I shall not fear fly-blowing.SEBASTIAN.Why, how now, Stephano! STEPHANO.O, touch me not; I am not Stephano, but a cramp.PROSPERO.You'd be king o' the isle, sirrah? STEPHANO.I should have been a sore one, then.ALONSO.[Pointing to CALIBAN] This is as strange a thing as e'er I look'd on.PROSPERO.He is as disproportioned in his manners As in his shape.Go, sirrah, to my cell; Take with you your companions; as you look To have my pardon, trim it handsomely.CALIBAN.Ay, that I will; and I'll be wise hereafter, And seek for grace.What a thrice-double ass Was I to take this drunkard for a god, And worship this dull fool! PROSPERO.Go to; away! ALONSO.Hence, and bestow your luggage where you found it.SEBASTIAN.Or stole it, rather.[Exeunt CALIBAN, STEPHANO, and TRINCULO] PROSPERO.Sir, I invite your Highness and your train To my poor cell, where you shall take your rest For this one night; which, part of it, I'll waste With such discourse as, I not doubt, shall make it Go quick away-the story of my life, And the particular accidents gone by Since I came to this isle.And in the morn I'll bring you to your ship, and so to Naples, Where I have hope to see the nuptial Of these our dear-belov'd solemnized, And thence retire me to my Milan, where Every third thought shall be my grave.ALONSO.I long To hear the story of your life, which must Take the ear strangely.PROSPERO.I'll deliver all; And promise you calm seas, auspicious gales, And sail so expeditious that shall catch Your royal fleet far off.[Aside to ARIEL] My Ariel, chick, That is thy charge.Then to the elements Be free, and fare thou well!-Please you, draw near.[Exeunt]


Now my charms are all o'erthrown, And what strength I have's mine own, Which is most faint.Now 'tis true, I must be here confin'd by you, Or sent to Naples.Let me not, Since I have my dukedom got, And pardon'd the deceiver, dwell In this bare island by your spell; But release me from my bands With the help of your good hands.Gentle breath of yours my sails Must fill, or else my project fails, Which was to please.Now I wantSpirits to enforce, art to enchant; And my ending is despair Unless I be reliev'd by prayer, Which pierces so that it assaults Mercy itself, and frees all faults.As you from crimes would pardon'd be, Let your indulgence set me free.