The Pontelliers possessed a very charming home on Esplanade Street in New Orleans.It was a large, double cottage, with a broad front veranda, whose round, fluted columns supported the sloping roof.The house was painted a dazzling white; the outside shutters, or jalousies, were green.In the yard, which was kept scrupulously neat, were flowers and plants of every description which flourishes in South Louisiana.Within doors the appointments were perfect after the conventional type.The softest carpets and rugs covered the floors; rich and tasteful draperies hung at doors and windows.There were paintings, selected with judgment and discrimination, upon the walls.The cut glass, the silver, the heavy damask which daily appeared upon the table were the envy of many women whose husbands were less generous than Mr.Pontellier.
Mr.Pontellier was very fond of walking about his house examining its various appointments and details, to see that nothing was amiss.Hegreatly valued his possessions, chiefly because they were his, and derived genuine pleasure from contemplating a painting, a statuette, a rare lace curtain--no matter what--after he had bought it and placed it among his household gods.
On Tuesday afternoons--Tuesday being Mrs.Pontellier's reception day--there was a constant stream of callers--women who came in carriages or in the street cars, or walked when the air was soft and distance permitted.A light-colored mulatto boy, in dress coat and bearing a diminutive silver tray for the reception of cards, admitted them.A maid, in white fluted cap, offered the callers liqueur, coffee, or chocolate, as they might desire.Mrs.Pontellier, attired in a handsome reception gown, remained in the drawing-room the entire afternoon receiving her visitors.Men sometimes called in the evening with their wives.
This had been the programme which Mrs.Pontellier had religiously followed since her marriage, six years before.Certain evenings during the week she and her husband attended the opera or sometimes the play.
Mr.Pontellier left his home in the mornings between nine and ten o'clock, and rarely returned before half-past six or seven in the evening-- dinner being served at half-past seven.
He and his wife seated themselves at table one Tuesday evening, a few weeks after their return from Grand Isle.They were alone together.The boys were being put to bed; the patter of their bare, escaping feet could be heard occasionally, as well as the pursuing voice of the quadroon, lifted in mild protest and entreaty.Mrs.Pontellier did not wear her usual Tuesday reception gown; she was in ordinary house dress.Mr.Pontellier, who was observant about such things, noticed it, as he served the soup and handed it to the boy in waiting.
"Tired out, Edna? Whom did you have? Many callers?" he asked.He tasted his soup and began to season it with pepper, salt, vinegar, mustard--everything within reach.
"There were a good many," replied Edna, who was eating her soup with evident satisfaction."I found their cards when I got home; I was out.""Out!"exclaimedherhusband,withsomethinglikegenuineconsternation in his voice as he laid down the vinegar cruet and looked at her through his glasses."Why, what could have taken you out on Tuesday? What did you have to do?""Nothing.I simply felt like going out, and I went out.""Well, I hope you left some suitable excuse," said her husband, somewhat appeased, as he added a dash of cayenne pepper to the soup.
"No, I left no excuse.I told Joe to say I was out, that was all.""Why, my dear, I should think you'd understand by this time that people don't do such things; we've got to observe les convenances if we ever expect to get on and keep up with the procession.If you felt that you had to leave home this afternoon, you should have left some suitable explanation for your absence.
"This soup is really impossible; it's strange that woman hasn't learned yet to make a decent soup.Any free-lunch stand in town serves a better one.Was Mrs.Belthrop here?""Bring the tray with the cards, Joe.I don't remember who was here."The boy retired and returned after a moment, bringing the tiny silver tray, which was covered with ladies' visiting cards.He handed it to Mrs.Pontellier.
"Give it to Mr.Pontellier," she said.
Joe offered the tray to Mr.Pontellier, and removed the soup.