书城公版The Mysterious Island


Day had returned.No ray of light penetrated into the profundity of the cavern.It being high-water, the entrance was closed by the sea.But the artificial light, which escaped in long streams from the skylights of the "Nautilus" was as vivid as before, and the sheet of water shone around the floating vessel.

An extreme exhaustion now overcame Captain Nemo, who had fallen back upon the divan.It was useless to contemplate removing him to Granite House, for he had expressed his wish to remain in the midst of those marvels of the "Nautilus" which millions could not have purchased, and to wait there for that death which was swiftly approaching.

During a long interval of prostration, which rendered him almost unconscious, Cyrus Harding and Gideon Spilett attentively observed the condition of the dying man.It was apparent that his strength was gradually diminishing.That frame, once so robust, was now but the fragile tenement of a departing soul.All of life was concentrated in the heart and head.

The engineer and reporter consulted in whispers.Was it possible to render any aid to the dying man? Might his life, if not saved, be prolonged for some days? He himself had said that no remedy could avail, and he awaited with tranquillity that death which had for him no terrors.

"We can do nothing," said Gideon Spilett.

"But of what is he dying?" asked Pencroft.

"Life is simply fading out," replied the reporter.

"Nevertheless," said the sailor, "if we move him into the open air, and the light of the sun, he might perhaps recover.""No, Pencroft," answered the engineer, "it is useless to attempt it.

Besides, Captain Nemo would never consent to leave his vessel.He has lived for a dozen years on board the 'Nautilus,' and on board the 'Nautilus' he desires to die."Without doubt Captain Nemo heard Cyrus Harding's reply, for he raised himself slightly, and in a voice more feeble, but always intelligible,--"You are right, sir," he said."I shall die here--it is my wish; and therefore I have a request to make of you."Cyrus Harding and his companions had drawn near the divan, and now arranged the cushions in such a manner as to better support the dying man.

They saw his eyes wander over all the marvels of this saloon, lighted by the electric rays which fell from the arabesques of the luminous ceiling.

He surveyed, one after the other, the pictures hanging from the splendid tapestries of the partitions, the chef-d'oeuvres of the Italian, Flemish, French, and Spanish masters; the statues of marble and bronze on their pedestals; the magnificent organ, leaning against the after-partition; the aquarium, in which bloomed the most wonderful productions of the sea--marine plants, zoophytes, chaplets of pearls of inestimable value; and, finally, his eyes rested on this device, inscribed over the pediment of the museum--the motto of the "Nautilus"--"Mobilis in mobile."

His glance seemed to rest fondly for the last time on these masterpieces of art and of nature, to which he had limited his horizon during a sojourn of so many years in the abysses of the seas.

Cyrus Harding respected the captain's silence, and waited till he should speak.

After some minutes, during which, doubtless, he passed in review his whole life, Captain Nemo turned to the colonists and said,"You consider yourselves, gentlemen, under some obligations to me?""Captain, believe us that we would give our lives to prolong yours.""Promise, then," continued Captain Nemo, "to carry out my last wishes, and I shall be repaid for all I have done for you.""We promise," said Cyrus Harding.

And by this promise he bound both himself and his companions.

"Gentlemen," resumed the captain, "to-morrow I shall be dead."Herbert was about to utter an exclamation, but a sign from the captain arrested him.

"To-morrow I shall die, and I desire no other tomb than the 'Nautilus.'

It is my grave! All my friends repose in the depths of the ocean; their resting-place shall be mine."These words were received with profound silence.

"Pay attention to my wishes," he continued."The 'Nautilus' is imprisoned in this grotto, the entrance of which is blocked up; but, although egress is impossible, the vessel may at least sink in the abyss, and there bury my remains."The colonists listened reverently to the words of the dying man.

"To-morrow, after my death, Mr.Harding," continued the captain, "yourself and companions will leave the 'Nautilus,' for all the treasures it contains must perish with me.One token alone will remain with you of Prince Dakkar, with whose history you are now acquainted.That coffer yonder contains diamonds of the value of many millions, most of them mementoes of the time when, husband and father, I thought happiness possible for me, and a collection of pearls gathered by my friends and myself in the depths of the ocean.Of this treasure at a future day, you may make good use.In the hands of such men as yourself and your comrades, Captain Harding, money will never be a source of danger.From on high Ishall still participate in your enterprises, and I fear not but that they will prosper."After a few moments' repose, necessitated by his extreme weakness, Captain Nemo continued,--"To-morrow you will take the coffer, you will leave the saloon, of which you will close the door; then you will ascend on to the deck of the 'Nautilus,' and you will lower the mainhatch so as entirely to close the vessel.""It shall be done, captain," answered Cyrus Harding.