书城公版Taming of the Shrew


The parasite was on the point of resenting this; but a look at Dick's face, and some recollection of the terms on which they had stood in Paris, came to the aid of his wisdom and restrained him.

'As you please,' he said; 'although I don't know what you mean - nor care.But let us walk, if you prefer it.You are still a young man; when you are my age - But, however, to continue.You please me, Dick; you have pleased me from the first; and to say truth, Esther is a trifle fantastic, and will be better when she is married.She has means of her own, as of course you are aware.They come, like the looks, from her poor, dear, good creature of a mother.She was blessed in her mother.I mean she shall be blessed in her husband, and you are the man, Dick, you and not another.

This very night I will sound her affections.'

Dick stood aghast.

'Mr.Van Tromp, I implore you,' he said; 'do what you please with yourself, but, for God's sake, let your daughter alone.'

'It is my duty,' replied the Admiral, 'and between ourselves, you rogue, my inclination too.I am as matchmaking as a dowager.It will be more discreet for you to stay away to-night.Farewell.You leave your case in good hands; I have the tact of these little matters by heart; it is not my first attempt.'

All arguments were in vain; the old rascal stuck to his point; nor did Richard conceal from himself how seriously this might injure his prospects, and he fought hard.Once there came a glimmer of hope.The Admiral again proposed an adjournment to the 'Trevanion Arms,' and when Dick had once more refused, it hung for a moment in the balance whether or not the old toper would return there by himself.Had he done so, of course Dick could have taken to his heels, and warned Esther of what was coming, and of how it had begun.But the Admiral, after a pause, decided for the brandy at home, and made off in that direction.

We have no details of the sounding.

Next day the Admiral was observed in the parish church, very properly dressed.He found the places, and joined in response and hymn, as to the manner born; and his appearance, as he intended it should, attracted some attention among the worshippers.Old Naseby, for instance, had observed him.

'There was a drunken-looking blackguard opposite us in church,' he said to his son as they drove home; 'do you know who he was?'

'Some fellow - Van Tromp, I believe,' said Dick.

'A foreigner, too!' observed the Squire.

Dick could not sufficiently congratulate himself on the escape he had effected.Had the Admiral met him with his father, what would have been the result? And could such a catastrophe be long postponed? It seemed to him as if the storm were nearly ripe; and it was so more nearly than he thought.

He did not go to the cottage in the afternoon, withheld by fear and shame; but when dinner was over at Naseby House, and the Squire had gone off into a comfortable doze, Dick slipped out of the room, and ran across country, in part to save time, in part to save his own courage from growing cold; for he now hated the notion of the cottage or the Admiral, and if he did not hate, at least feared to think of Esther.He had no clue to her reflections; but he could not conceal from his own heart that he must have sunk in her esteem, and the spectacle of her infatuation galled him like an insult.

He knocked and was admitted.The room looked very much as on his last visit, with Esther at the table and Van Tromp beside the fire; but the expression of the two faces told a very different story.The girl was paler than usual; her eyes were dark, the colour seemed to have faded from round about them, and her swiftest glance was as intent as a stare.The appearance of the Admiral, on the other hand, was rosy, and flabby, and moist; his jowl hung over his shirt collar, his smile was loose and wandering, and he had so far relaxed the natural control of his eyes, that one of them was aimed inward, as if to watch the growth of the carbuncle.We are warned against bad judgments; but the Admiral was certainly not sober.He made no attempt to rise when Richard entered, but waved his pipe flightily in the air, and gave a leer of welcome.Esther took as little notice of him as might be.

'Aha! Dick!' cried the painter.'I've been to church; Ihave, upon my word.And I saw you there, though you didn't see me.And I saw a devilish pretty woman, by Gad.If it were not for this baldness, and a kind of crapulous air Ican't disguise from myself - if it weren't for this and that and t'other thing - I - I've forgot what I was saying.Not that that matters, I've heaps of things to say.I'm in a communicative vein to-night.I'll let out all my cats, even unto seventy times seven.I'm in what I call THE stage, and all I desire is a listener, although he were deaf, to be as happy as Nebuchadnezzar.'

Of the two hours which followed upon this it is unnecessary to give more than a sketch.The Admiral was extremely silly, now and then amusing, and never really offensive.It was plain that he kept in view the presence of his daughter, and chose subjects and a character of language that should not offend a lady.On almost any other occasion Dick would have enjoyed the scene.Van Tromp's egotism, flown with drink, struck a pitch above mere vanity.He became candid and explanatory; sought to take his auditors entirely into his confidence, and tell them his inmost conviction about himself.Between his self-knowledge, which was considerable, and his vanity, which was immense, he had created a strange hybrid animal, and called it by his own name.How he would plume his feathers over virtues which would have gladdened the heart of Caesar or St.Paul; and anon, complete his own portrait with one of those touches of pitiless realism which the satirist so often seeks in vain.

'Now, there's Dick,' he said, 'he's shrewd; he saw through me the first time we met, and told me so - told me so to my face, which I had the virtue to keep.I bear you no malice for it, Dick; you were right; I am a humbug.'