

A WEEK has passed.The scene opens again in the dining-room at Mablethorpe House.

The hospitable table bears once more its burden of good things for lunch.But on this occasion Lady Janet sits alone.Her attention is divided between reading her newspaper and feeding her cat.The cat is a sleek and splendid creature.He carries an erect tail.He rolls luxuriously on the soft carpet.He approaches his mistress in a series of coquettish curves.He smells with dainty hesitation at the choicest morsels that can be offered to him.The musical monotony of his purring falls soothingly on her ladyship's ear.She stops in the middle of a leading article and looks with a careworn face at the happy cat."Upon my honor," cries Lady Janet, thinking, in her inveterately ironical manner, of the cares that trouble her, "all things considered, Tom, I wish I was You!"The cat starts--not at his mistress's complimentary apostrophe, but at a knock at the door, which follows close upon it.Lady Janet says, carelessly enough, "Come in;" looks round listlessly to see who it is; and starts, like the cat, when the door opens and discloses--Julian Gray!

"You--or your ghost?" she exclaims.

She has noticed already that Julian is paler than usual, and that there is something in his manner at once uneasy and subdued--highly uncharacteristic of him at other times.He takes a seat by her side, and kisses her hand.But--for the first time in his aunt's experience of him--he refuses the good things on the luncheon table, and he has nothing to say to the cat! That neglected animal takes refuge on Lady Janet's lap.Lady Janet, with her eyes fixed expectantly on her nephew (determining to "have it out of him" at the first opportunity), waits to hear what he has to say for himself.Julian has no alternative but to break the silence, and tell his story as he best may.

"I got back from the Continent last night," he began."And I come here, as I promised, to report myself on my return.How does your ladyship do? How is Miss Roseberry?"Lady Janet laid an indicative finger on the lace pelerine which ornamented the upper part of her dress."Here is the old lady, well," she answered--and pointed next to the room above them."And there," she added, "is the young lady, ill.Is anything the matter with you , Julian?""Perhaps I am a little tired after my journey.Never mind me.Is Miss Roseberry still suffering from the shock?""What else should she be suffering from? I will never forgive you, Julian, for bringing that crazy impostor into my house.""My dear aunt, when I was the innocent means of bringing her here I had no idea that such a person as Miss Roseberry was in existence.Nobody laments what has happened more sincerely than I do.Have you had medical advice?""I took her to the sea-side a week since by medical advice.""Has the change of air done her no good?""None whatever.If anything, the change of air has made her worse.Sometimes she sits for hours together, as pale as death, without looking at anything, and without uttering a word.Sometimes she brightens up, and seems as if she was eager to say something; and then Heaven only knows why, checks herself suddenly as if she was afraid to speak.I could support that.But what cuts me to the heart, Julian, is, that she does not appear to trust me and to love me as she did.She seems to be doubtful of me; she seems to be frightened of me.If I did not know that it was simply impossible that such a thing could be, I should really think she suspected me of believing what that wretch said of her.In one word (and between ourselves), I begin to fear she will never get over the fright which caused that fainting-fit.There is serious mischief somewhere; and, try as I may to discover it, it is mischief beyond my finding.""Can the doctor do nothing?"

Lady Janet's bright black eyes answered before she replied in words, with a look of supreme contempt.

"The doctor!" she repeated, disdainfully."I brought Grace back last night in sheer despair, and I sent for the doctor this morning.He is at the head of his profession; he is said to be making ten thousand a year; and he knows no more about it than I do.I am quite serious.The great physician has just gone away with two guineas in his pocket.One guinea, for advising me to keep her quiet; another guinea for telling me to trust to time.Do you wonder how he gets on at this rate? My dear boy, they all get on in the same way.The medical profession thrives on two incurable diseases in these modern days--a He-disease and a She-disease.She-disease--nervous depression; He-disease--suppressed gout.Remedies, one guinea, if you go to the doctor; two guineas if the doctor goes to you.I might have bought a new bonnet," cried her ladyship, indignantly, "with the money I have given to that man! Let us change the subject.I lose my temper when I think of it.Besides, I want to know something.Why did you go abroad?"At that plain question Julian looked unaffectedly surprised."I wrote to explain," he said."Have you not received my letter?""Oh, I got your letter.It was long enough, in all conscience; and, long as it was, it didn't tell me the one thing I wanted to know.""What is the 'one thing'?"

Lady Janet's reply pointed--not too palpably at first--at that second motive for Julian's journey which she had suspected Julian of concealing from her.

"I want to know," she said, "why you troubled yourself to make your inquiries on the Continent in person? You know where my old courier is to be found.You have yourself pronounced him to be the most intelligent and trustworthy of men.Answer me honestly--could you not have sent him in your place?""I might have sent him," Julian admitted, a little reluctantly.

"You might have sent the courier--and you were under an engagement to stay here as my guest.Answer me honestly once more.Why did you go away?"Julian hesitated.Lady Janet paused for his reply, with the air of a women who was prepared to wait (if necessary) for the rest of the afternoon.