书城公版The Return Of Tarzan


The Wreck of the "Lady Alice"

The next morning at breakfast Tarzan's place was vacant.

Miss Strong was mildly curious, for Mr.Caldwell had always made it a point to wait that he might breakfast with her and her mother.As she was sitting on deck later Monsieur Thuran paused to exchange a half dozen pleasant words with her.He seemed in most excellent spirits--his manner was the extreme of affability.As he passed on Miss Strong thought what a very delightful man was Monsieur Thuran.

The day dragged heavily.She missed the quiet companionship of Mr.Caldwell--there had been something about him that had made the girl like him from the first; he had talked so entertainingly of the places he had seen--the peoples and their customs--the wild beasts; and he had always had a droll way of drawing striking comparisons between savage animals and civilized men that showed a considerable knowledge of the former, and a keen, though somewhat cynical, estimate of the latter.

When Monsieur Thuran stopped again to chat with her in the afternoon she welcomed the break in the day's monotony.

But she had begun to become seriously concerned in Mr.

Caldwell's continued absence; somehow she constantly associated it with the start she had had the night before, when the dark object fell past her port into the sea.

Presently she broached the subject to Monsieur Thuran.

Had he seen Mr.Caldwell today? He had not.Why?

"He was not at breakfast as usual, nor have I seen him once since yesterday," explained the girl.

Monsieur Thuran was extremely solicitous.

"I did not have the pleasure of intimate acquaintance with Mr.Caldwell," he said."He seemed a most estimable gentleman, however.Can it be that he is indisposed, and has remained in his stateroom? It would not be strange.""No," replied the girl, "it would not be strange, of course;but for some inexplicable reason I have one of those foolish feminine presentiments that all is not right with Mr.Caldwell.

It is the strangest feeling--it is as though I knew that he was not on board the ship."Monsieur Thuran laughed pleasantly."Mercy, my dear Miss Strong," he said; "where in the world could he be then?

We have not been within sight of land for days.""Of course, it is ridiculous of me," she admitted.And then:

"But I am not going to worry about it any longer; Iam going to find out where Mr.Caldwell is," and she motioned to a passing steward.

"That may be more difficult than you imagine, my dear girl,"thought Monsieur Thuran, but aloud he said: "By all means.""Find Mr.Caldwell, please," she said to the steward, "and tell him that his friends are much worried by his continued absence.""You are very fond of Mr.Caldwell?" suggested Monsieur Thuran.

"I think he is splendid," replied the girl."And mamma is perfectly infatuated with him.He is the sort of man with whom one has a feeling of perfect security--no one could help but have confidence in Mr.Caldwell."A moment later the steward returned to say that Mr.Caldwell was not in his stateroom."I cannot find him, Miss Strong, and"--he hesitated--"I have learned that his berth was not occupied last night.I think that I had better report the matter to the captain.""Most assuredly," exclaimed Miss Strong."I shall go with you to the captain myself.It is terrible! I know that something awful has happened.My presentiments were not false, after all."It was a very frightened young woman and an excited steward who presented themselves before the captain a few moments later.

He listened to their stories in silence--a look of concern marking his expression as the steward assured him that he had sought for the missing passenger in every part of the ship that a passenger might be expected to frequent.

"And are you sure, Miss Strong, that you saw a body fall overboard last night?" he asked.

"There is not the slightest doubt about that," she answered.

"I cannot say that it was a human body--there was no outcry.

It might have been only what I thought it was--a bundle of refuse.

But if Mr.Caldwell is not found on board I shall always be positive that it was he whom I saw fall past my port."The captain ordered an immediate and thorough search of the entire ship from stem to stern--no nook or cranny was to be overlooked.Miss Strong remained in his cabin, waiting the outcome of the quest.The captain asked her many questions, but she could tell him nothing about the missing man other than what she had herself seen during their brief acquaintance on shipboard.For the first time she suddenly realized how very little indeed Mr.Caldwell had told her about himself or his past life.That he had been born in Africa and educated in Paris was about all she knew, and this meager information had been the result of her surprise that an Englishman should speak English with such a marked French accent.

"Did he ever speak of any enemies?" asked the captain.


"Was he acquainted with any of the other passengers?""Only as he had been with me--through the circumstance of casual meeting as fellow shipmates.""Er--was he, in your opinion, Miss Strong, a man who drank to excess?""I do not know that he drank at all--he certainly had not been drinking up to half an hour before I saw that body fall overboard," she answered, "for I was with him on deck up to that time.""It is very strange," said the captain."He did not look to me like a man who was subject to fainting spells, or anything of that sort.And even had he been it is scarcely credible that he should have fallen completely over the rail had he been taken with an attack while leaning upon it --he would rather have fallen inside, upon the deck.If he is not on board, Miss Strong, he was thrown overboard--and the fact that you heard no outcry would lead to the assumption that he was dead before he left the ship's deck--murdered."The girl shuddered.

It was a full hour later that the first officer returned to report the outcome of the search.

"Mr.Caldwell is not on board, sir," he said.