书城公版Old Fritz and the New Era


The old woman hurried out of the room, but the door once closed, her manner changed. One might have supposed a sudden cramp had seized her, from her distorted face, and twitching and panting, and beating the air with her clinched fists, and her quivering lips uttering broken words.

Approaching footsteps warned her to assume her general manner and expression, and cease her manipulations. "The ladies and gentlemen wish you in the parlor," mumbled Trude to the servant descending the stairs. "But where have you been, and what have you to do up there?""I was looking for you, lovely one--nothing more!""Well, now you have found me, tell me what you want? I know you were sneaking about, listening, because you thought I was with Marie. Iunderstand you better than you think I do. I have found many a viper, and I am familiar with their aspect. Go! they are waiting for you, and let me find you again spying about, and I will throw a pail of water on you!"With this friendly assurance Trude dismissed Leberecht, and hastened with youthful activity to the little garret-room, when Marie fell upon her neck, weeping bitterly.

"Calm yourself--do not weep so--it breaks my heart, my dear child.""And mine cannot break. I must endure all this anguish and survive this shame. Help me, my good mother, stand by me! It is impossible for me to marry that dreadful man. I have sworn constancy to my beloved Moritz, and I must be firm, or die!""Die? then you will kill me!" murmured the old one, "for, if you go, I must go also. But we will not give up yet, as we are both living;we will not despair for life. I am going once more to Moritz's lodgings; it may be he has returned, and will rescue you.""Oh, do, good Trude; tell him that I have courage and determination to risk and bear every thing--that I will await him; that nothing would be too difficult or dangerous to serve to unite me to him!

Tell him that I prefer a life of poverty and want by his side, to abundance and riches in a splendid palace with that detested creature--but no, say nothing about it, he knows it well! If he has returned, tell him all that has happened, and that I am resolved to brave the utmost, to save myself!""I will go, dear child, but I have first my work to do, and enough of it too--but listen to what they have made me become." Hastily, in a low voice, she related to Marie the story of her corruption, excited as before, her limbs shaking and her fists clinched. "They say we old women resemble cats, but from to-day forth I know that is a shameful lie! If I had possessed their nature and claws, I should have sprung at the throat of this rascal, and torn out his windpipe;but, instead of that, I stood as if delighted with his degrading proposal! Oh, fie! the good-for-nothing kidnapper would tempt a poor creature! Let us wait, they will get their reward. He shall pay me the five hundred thalers, and then this trader of hearts shall recognize that, however much ill-earned money he may throw away, love and constancy are hot to be bought. We will teach him a lesson," and with this, the old servant ceased, gasping for breath.