书城公版The Arrow of Gold


In the unreserved and instant sharing of all thoughts, all impressions, all sensations, we see the naiveness of a children's foolhardy adventure.This unreserved expressed for him the whole truth of the situation.With her it may have been different.It might have been assumed; yet nobody is altogether a comedian; and even comedians themselves have got to believe in the part they play.Of the two she appears much the more assured and confident.

But if in this she was a comedienne then it was but a great achievement of her ineradicable honesty.Having once renounced her honourable scruples she took good care that he should taste no flavour of misgivings in the cup.Being older it was she who imparted its character to the situation.As to the man if he had any superiority of his own it was simply the superiority of him who loves with the greater self-surrender.

This is what appears from the pages I have discreetly suppressed -partly out of regard for the pages themselves.In every, even terrestrial, mystery there is as it were a sacred core.Asustained commentary on love is not fit for every eye.A universal experience is exactly the sort of thing which is most difficult to appraise justly in a particular instance.

How this particular instance affected Rose, who was the only companion of the two hermits in their rose-embowered hut of stones, I regret not to be able to report; but I will venture to say that for reasons on which I need not enlarge, the girl could not have been very reassured by what she saw.It seems to me that her devotion could never be appeased; for the conviction must have been growing on her that, no matter what happened, Madame could never have any friends.It may be that Dona Rita had given her a glimpse of the unavoidable end, and that the girl's tarnished eyes masked a certain amount of apprehensive, helpless desolation.

What meantime was becoming of the fortune of Henry Allegre is another curious question.We have been told that it was too big to be tied up in a sack and thrown into the sea.That part of it represented by the fabulous collections was still being protected by the police.But for the rest, it may be assumed that its power and significance were lost to an interested world for something like six months.What is certain is that the late Henry Allegre's man of affairs found himself comparatively idle.The holiday must have done much good to his harassed brain.He had received a note from Dona Rita saying that she had gone into retreat and that she did not mean to send him her address, not being in the humour to be worried with letters on any subject whatever."It's enough for you" - she wrote - "to know that I am alive." Later, at irregular intervals, he received scraps of paper bearing the stamps of various post offices and containing the simple statement: "I am still alive," signed with an enormous, flourished exuberant R.Iimagine Rose had to travel some distances by rail to post those messages.A thick veil of secrecy had been lowered between the world and the lovers; yet even this veil turned out not altogether impenetrable.

He - it would be convenient to call him Monsieur George to the end - shared with Dona Rita her perfect detachment from all mundane affairs; but he had to make two short visits to Marseilles.The first was prompted by his loyal affection for Dominic.He wanted to discover what had happened or was happening to Dominic and to find out whether he could do something for that man.But Dominic was not the sort of person for whom one can do much.Monsieur George did not even see him.It looked uncommonly as if Dominic's heart were broken.Monsieur George remained concealed for twenty-four hours in the very house in which Madame Leonore had her cafe.

He spent most of that time in conversing with Madame Leonore about Dominic.She was distressed, but her mind was made up.That bright-eyed, nonchalant, and passionate woman was making arrangements to dispose of her cafe before departing to join Dominic.She would not say where.Having ascertained that his assistance was not required Monsieur George, in his own words, "managed to sneak out of the town without being seen by a single soul that mattered."The second occasion was very prosaic and shockingly incongruous with the super-mundane colouring of these days.He had neither the fortune of Henry Allegre nor a man of affairs of his own.But some rent had to be paid to somebody for the stone hut and Rose could not go marketing in the tiny hamlet at the foot of the hill without a little money.There came a time when Monsieur George had to descend from the heights of his love in order, in his own words, "to get a supply of cash." As he had disappeared very suddenly and completely for a time from the eyes of mankind it was necessary that he should show himself and sign some papers.That business was transacted in the office of the banker mentioned in the story.

Monsieur George wished to avoid seeing the man himself but in this he did not succeed.The interview was short.The banker naturally asked no questions, made no allusions to persons and events, and didn't even mention the great Legitimist Principle which presented to him now no interest whatever.But for the moment all the world was talking of the Carlist enterprise.It had collapsed utterly, leaving behind, as usual, a large crop of recriminations, charges of incompetency and treachery, and a certain amount of scandalous gossip.The banker (his wife's salon had been very Carlist indeed)declared that he had never believed in the success of the cause.

"You are well out of it," he remarked with a chilly smile to Monsieur George.The latter merely observed that he had been very little "in it" as a matter of fact, and that he was quite indifferent to the whole affair.

"You left a few of your feathers in it, nevertheless," the banker concluded with a wooden face and with the curtness of a man who knows.