书城公版The Arrow of Gold


For this, properly speaking wonderful, reason I was the only one of the company who could listen without constraint to the unbidden guest with that fine head of white hair, so beautifully kept, so magnificently waved, so artistically arranged that respect could not be felt for it any more than for a very expensive wig in the window of a hair-dresser.In fact, I had an inclination to smile at it.This proves how unconstrained I felt.My mind was perfectly at liberty; and so of all the eyes in that room mine was the only pair able to look about in easy freedom.All the other listeners' eyes were cast down, including Mills' eyes, but that Iam sure was only because of his perfect and delicate sympathy.He could not have been concerned otherwise.

The intruder devoured the cutlets - if they were cutlets.

Notwithstanding my perfect liberty of mind I was not aware of what we were eating.I have a notion that the lunch was a mere show, except of course for the man with the white hair, who was really hungry and who, besides, must have had the pleasant sense of dominating the situation.He stooped over his plate and worked his jaw deliberately while his blue eyes rolled incessantly; but as a matter of fact he never looked openly at any one of us.Whenever he laid down his knife and fork he would throw himself back and start retailing in a light tone some Parisian gossip about prominent people.

He talked first about a certain politician of mark.His "dear Rita" knew him.His costume dated back to '48, he was made of wood and parchment and still swathed his neck in a white cloth; and even his wife had never been seen in a low-necked dress.Not once in her life.She was buttoned up to the chin like her husband.Well, that man had confessed to him that when he was engaged in political controversy, not on a matter of principle but on some special measure in debate, he felt ready to kill everybody.

He interrupted himself for a comment."I am something like that myself.I believe it's a purely professional feeling.Carry one's point whatever it is.Normally I couldn't kill a fly.My sensibility is too acute for that.My heart is too tender also.

Much too tender.I am a Republican.I am a Red.As to all our present masters and governors, all those people you are trying to turn round your little finger, they are all horrible Royalists in disguise.They are plotting the ruin of all the institutions to which I am devoted.But I have never tried to spoil your little game, Rita.After all, it's but a little game.You know very well that two or three fearless articles, something in my style, you know, would soon put a stop to all that underhand backing of your king.I am calling him king because I want to be polite to you.

He is an adventurer, a blood-thirsty, murderous adventurer, for me, and nothing else.Look here, my dear child, what are you knocking yourself about for? For the sake of that bandit? Allons donc! Apupil of Henry Allegre can have no illusions of that sort about any man.And such a pupil, too! Ah, the good old days in the Pavilion! Don't think I claim any particular intimacy.It was just enough to enable me to offer my services to you, Rita, when our poor friend died.I found myself handy and so I came.It so happened that I was the first.You remember, Rita? What made it possible for everybody to get on with our poor dear Allegre was his complete, equable, and impartial contempt for all mankind.There is nothing in that against the purest democratic principles; but that you, Rita, should elect to throw so much of your life away for the sake of a Royal adventurer, it really knocks me over.For you don't love him.You never loved him, you know."He made a snatch at her hand, absolutely pulled it away from under her head (it was quite startling) and retaining it in his grasp, proceeded to a paternal patting of the most impudent kind.She let him go on with apparent insensibility.Meanwhile his eyes strayed round the table over our faces.It was very trying.The stupidity of that wandering stare had a paralysing power.He talked at large with husky familiarity.

"Here I come, expecting to find a good sensible girl who had seen at last the vanity of all those things; half-light in the rooms;surrounded by the works of her favourite poets, and all that sort of thing.I say to myself: I must just run in and see the dear wise child, and encourage her in her good resolutions...And Ifall into the middle of an intime lunch-party.For I suppose it is intime.Eh? Very? H'm, yes..."He was really appalling.Again his wandering stare went round the table, with an expression incredibly incongruous with the words.

It was as though he had borrowed those eyes from some idiot for the purpose of that visit.He still held Dona Rita's hand, and, now and then, patted it.

"It's discouraging," he cooed."And I believe not one of you here is a Frenchman.I don't know what you are all about.It's beyond me.But if we were a Republic - you know I am an old Jacobin, sans-culotte and terrorist - if this were a real Republic with the Convention sitting and a Committee of Public Safety attending to national business, you would all get your heads cut off.Ha, ha.

..I am joking, ha, ha!...and serve you right, too.Don't mind my little joke."While he was still laughing he released her hand and she leaned her head on it again without haste.She had never looked at him once.