书城公版The Arrow of Gold


"Well," I said, "if you mean that you want me to leave the room Iwill confess to you that I can't very well do it yet.But I could lock both doors if you don't mind that.""Do what you like as long as you keep her out.You two together would be too much for me to-night.Why don't you go and lock those doors? I have a feeling she is on the prowl."I got up at once saying, "I imagine she has gone to bed by this time." I felt absolutely calm and responsible.I turned the keys one after another so gently that I couldn't hear the click of the locks myself.This done I recrossed the room with measured steps, with downcast eyes, and approaching the couch without raising them from the carpet I sank down on my knees and leaned my forehead on its edge.That penitential attitude had but little remorse in it.

I detected no movement and heard no sound from her.In one place a bit of the fur coat touched my cheek softly, but no forgiving hand came to rest on my bowed head.I only breathed deeply the faint scent of violets, her own particular fragrance enveloping my body, penetrating my very heart with an inconceivable intimacy, bringing me closer to her than the closest embrace, and yet so subtle that Isensed her existence in me only as a great, glowing, indeterminate tenderness, something like the evening light disclosing after the white passion of the day infinite depths in the colours of the sky and an unsuspected soul of peace in the protean forms of life.Ihad not known such quietness for months; and I detected in myself an immense fatigue, a longing to remain where I was without changing my position to the end of time.Indeed to remain seemed to me a complete solution for all the problems that life presents -even as to the very death itself.

Only the unwelcome reflection that this was impossible made me get up at last with a sigh of deep grief at the end of the dream.But I got up without despair.She didn't murmur, she didn't stir.

There was something august in the stillness of the room.It was a strange peace which she shared with me in this unexpected shelter full of disorder in its neglected splendour.What troubled me was the sudden, as it were material, consciousness of time passing as water flows.It seemed to me that it was only the tenacity of my sentiment that held that woman's body, extended and tranquil above the flood.But when I ventured at last to look at her face I saw her flushed, her teeth clenched - it was visible - her nostrils dilated, and in her narrow, level-glancing eyes a look of inward and frightened ecstasy.The edges of the fur coat had fallen open and I was moved to turn away.I had the same impression as on the evening we parted that something had happened which I did not understand; only this time I had not touched her at all.I really didn't understand.At the slightest whisper I would now have gone out without a murmur, as though that emotion had given her the right to be obeyed.But there was no whisper; and for a long time I stood leaning on my arm, looking into the fire and feeling distinctly between the four walls of that locked room the unchecked time flow past our two stranded personalities.

And suddenly she spoke.She spoke in that voice that was so profoundly moving without ever being sad, a little wistful perhaps and always the supreme expression of her grace.She asked as if nothing had happened:

"What are you thinking of, amigo?"

I turned about.She was lying on her side, tranquil above the smooth flow of time, again closely wrapped up in her fur, her head resting on the old-gold sofa cushion bearing like everything else in that room the decoratively enlaced letters of her monogram; her face a little pale now, with the crimson lobe of her ear under the tawny mist of her loose hair, the lips a little parted, and her glance of melted sapphire level and motionless, darkened by fatigue.

"Can I think of anything but you?" I murmured, taking a seat near the foot of the couch."Or rather it isn't thinking, it is more like the consciousness of you always being present in me, complete to the last hair, to the faintest shade of expression, and that not only when we are apart but when we are together, alone, as close as this.I see you now lying on this couch but that is only the insensible phantom of the real you that is in me.And it is the easier for me to feel this because that image which others see and call by your name - how am I to know that it is anything else but an enchanting mist? You have always eluded me except in one or two moments which seem still more dream-like than the rest.Since Icame into this room you have done nothing to destroy my conviction of your unreality apart from myself.You haven't offered me your hand to touch.Is it because you suspect that apart from me you are but a mere phantom, and that you fear to put it to the test?"One of her hands was under the fur and the other under her cheek.

She made no sound.She didn't offer to stir.She didn't move her eyes, not even after I had added after waiting for a while,"Just what I expected.You are a cold illusion."She smiled mysteriously, right away from me, straight at the fire, and that was all.