书城公版The Art of Writing


``And much good that will do, when he has frightened the lad out of the country! I tell thee, Mary, Hector's understanding, and far more that of feminity, is inadequate to comprehend the extent of the loss which he has occasioned to the present age and to posterity--_aureum quidem opus_--a poem on such a subject, with notes illustrative of all that is clear, and all that is dark, and all that is neither dark nor clear, but hovers in dusky twilight in the region of Caledonian antiquities.I would have made the Celtic panegyrists look about them.Fingal, as they conceitedly term Fin-Mac-Coul, should have disappeared before my search, rolling himself in his cloud like the spirit of Loda.Such an opportunity can hardly again occur to an ancient and grey-haired man; and to see it lost by the madcap spleen of a hot-headed boy! But I submit --Heaven's will be done!''

Thus continued the Antiquary to _maunder,_ as his sister expressed it, during the whole time of breakfast, while, despite of sugar and honey, and all the comforts of a Scottish morning tea-table, his reflections rendered the meal bitter to all who heard them.But they knew the nature of the man.``Monkbarns's bark,'' said Miss Griselda Oldbuck, in confidential intercourse with Miss Rebecca Blattergowl, ``is muckle waur than his bite.''

In fact, Mr.Oldbuck had suffered in mind extremely while his nephew was in actual danger, and now felt himself at liberty, upon his returning health, to indulge in complaints respecting the trouble he had been put to, and the interruption of his antiquarian labours.Listened to, therefore, in respectful silence, by his niece and sister, he unloaded his discontent in such grumblings as we have rehearsed, venting many a sarcasm against womankind, soldiers, dogs, and guns, all which implements of noise, discord, and tumult, as he called them, he professed to hold in utter abomination.

This expectoration of spleen was suddenly interrupted by the noise of a carriage without, when, shaking off all sullenness at the sound, Oldbuck ran nimbly up stairs and down stairs, for both operations were necessary ere he could receive Miss Wardour and her father at the door of his mansion.

A cordial greeting passed on both sides.And Sir Arthur, referring to his previous inquiries by letter and message, requested to be particularly informed of Captain M`Intyre's health.

``Better than he deserves,'' was the answer--``better than he deserves, for disturbing us with his vixen brawls, and breaking God's peace and the King's.''

``The young gentleman,'' Sir Arthur said, ``had been imprudent;but he understood they were indebted to him for the detection of a suspicious character in the young man Lovel.''

``No more suspicious than his own,'' answered the Antiquary, eager in his favourites defence;--``the young gentleman was a little foolish and headstrong, and refused to answer Hector's impertinent interrogatories--that is all.Lovel, Sir Arthur, knows how to choose his confidants better--Ay, Miss Wardour, you may look at me--but it is very true;--it was in my bosom that he deposited the secret cause of his residence at Fairport;and no stone should have been left unturned on my part to assist him in the pursuit to which he had dedicated himself.''

On hearing this magnanimous declaration on the part of the old Antiquary, Miss Wardour changed colour more than once, and could hardly trust her own ears.For of all confidants to be selected as the depositary of love affairs,--and such she naturally supposed must have been the subject of communication,--next to Edie Ochiltree, Oldbuck seemed the most uncouth and extraordinary; nor could she sufficiently admire or fret at the extraordinary combination of circumstances which thus threw a secret of such a delicate nature into the possession of persons so unfitted to be entrusted with it.She had next to fear the mode of Oldbuck's entering upon the affair with her father, for such, she doubted not, was his intention.She well knew that the honest gentleman, however vehement in his prejudices, had no great sympathy with those of others, and she had to fear a most unpleasant explosion upon an _claircissement_ taking place between them.It was therefore with great anxiety that she heard her father request a private interview, and observed Oldbuck readily arise and show the way to his library.She remained behind, attempting to converse with the ladies of Monkbarns, but with the distracted feelings of Macbeth, when compelled to disguise his evil conscience by listening and replying to the observations of the attendant thanes upon the storm of the preceding night, while his whole soul is upon the stretch to listen for the alarm of murder, which he knows must be instantly raised by those who have entered the sleeping apartment of Duncan.But the conversation of the two virtuosi turned on a subject very different from that which Miss Wardour apprehended.

``Mr.Oldbuck,'' said Sir Arthur, when they had, after a due exchange of ceremonies, fairly seated themselves in the _sanctum sanctorum_ of the Antiquary,--``you, who know so much of my family matters, may probably be surprised at the question I am about to put to you.''

``Why, Sir Arthur, if it relates to money, I am very sorry, but''--``It does relate to money matters, Mr.Oldbuck.''

``Really, then, Sir Arthur,'' continued the Antiquary, ``in the present state of the money-market--and stocks being so low''--``You mistake my meaning, Mr.Oldbuck,'' said the Baronet;``I wished to ask your advice about laying out a large sum of money to advantage.''