书城公版A Pair of Blue Eyes


Knight was at once the most ardent and the coolest man alive.

When his emotions slumbered he appeared almost phlegmatic;when they were moved he was no less than passionate.And now,without having quite intended an early marriage,he put the question plainly.It came with all the ardour which was the accumulation of long years behind a natural reserve.

Elfride,when shall we be married?

The words were sweet to her;but there was a bitter in the sweet.

These newly-overt acts of his,which had culminated in this plain question,coming on the very day of Mrs.Jethways blasting reproaches,painted distinctly her fickleness as an enormity.

Loving him in secret had not seemed such thorough-going inconstancy as the same love recognized and acted upon in the face of threats.Her distraction was interpreted by him at her side as the outward signs of an unwonted experience.

I dont press you for an answer now,darling,he said,seeing she was not likely to give a lucid reply.Take your time.

Knight was as honourable a man as was ever loved and deluded by woman.It may be said that his blindness in love proved the point,for shrewdness in love usually goes with meanness in general.Once the passion had mastered him,the intellect had gone for naught.Knight,as a lover,was more single-minded and far simpler than his friend Stephen,who in other capacities was shallow beside him.

Without saying more on the subject of their marriage,Knight held her at arms length,as if she had been a large bouquet,and looked at her with critical affection.

Does your pretty gift become me?she inquired,with tears of excitement on the fringes of her eyes.

Undoubtedly,perfectly!said her lover,adopting a lighter tone to put her at her ease.Ah,you should see them;you look shinier than ever.Fancy that I have been able to improve you!

Am I really so nice?I am glad for your sake.I wish I could see myself.

You cant.You must wait till we get home.

I shall never be able,she said,laughing.Look:heres a way.

So there is.Well done,womans wit!

Hold me steady!

Oh yes.

And dont let me fall,will you?

By no means.

Below their seat the thread of water paused to spread out into a smooth small pool.Knight supported her whilst she knelt down and leant over it.

I can see myself.Really,try as religiously as I will,I cannot help admiring my appearance in them.

Doubtless.How can you be so fond of finery?I believe you are corrupting me into a taste for it.I used to hate every such thing before I knew you.

I like ornaments,because I want people to admire what you possess,and envy you,and say,"I wish I was he."

I suppose I ought not to object after that.And how much longer are you going to look in there at yourself?

Until you are tired of holding me?Oh,I want to ask you something.And she turned round.Now tell truly,wont you?

What colour of hair do you like best now?

Knight did not answer at the moment.

Say light,do!she whispered coaxingly.Dont say dark,as you did that time.

Light-brown,then.Exactly the colour of my sweethearts.

Really?said Elfride,enjoying as truth what she knew to be flattery.


And blue eyes,too,not hazel?Say yes,say yes!

One recantation is enough for to-day.


Very well,blue eyes.And Knight laughed,and drew her close and kissed her the second time,which operations he performed with the carefulness of a fruiterer touching a bunch of grapes so as not to disturb their bloom.

Elfride objected to a second,and flung away her face,the movement causing a slight disarrangement of hat and hair.Hardly thinking what she said in the trepidation of the moment,she exclaimed,clapping her hand to her ear--

Ah,we must be careful!I lost the other earring doing like this.

No sooner did she realise the significant words than a troubled look passed across her face,and she shut her lips as if to keep them back.

Doing like what?said Knight,perplexed.

Oh,sitting down out of doors,she replied hastily.