书城公版A Pair of Blue Eyes


After many days.

Knight roamed south,under colour of studying Continental antiquities.

He paced the lofty aisles of Amiens,loitered by Ardennes Abbey,climbed into the strange towers of Laon,analyzed Noyon and Rheims.Then he went to Chartres,and examined its scaly spires and quaint carving then he idled about Coutances.He rowed beneath the base of Mont St.Michel,and caught the varied skyline of the crumbling edifices encrusting it.St.Ouens,Rouen,knew him for days;so did Vezelay,Sens,and many a hallowed monument besides.Abandoning the inspection of early French art with the same purposeless haste as he had shown in undertaking it,he went further,and lingered about Ferrara,Padua,and Pisa.Satiated with mediaevalism,he tried the Roman Forum.Next he observed moonlight and starlight effects by the bay of Naples.He turned to Austria,became enervated and depressed on Hungarian and Bohemian plains,and was refreshed again by breezes on the declivities of the Carpathians.

Then he found himself in Greece.He visited the plain of Marathon,and strove to imagine the Persian defeat;to Mars Hill,to picture St.Paul addressing the ancient Athenians;to Thermopylae and Salamis,to run through the facts and traditions of the Second Invasion--the result of his endeavours being more or less chaotic.Knight grew as weary of these places as of all others.Then he felt the shock of an earthquake in the Ionian Islands,and went to Venice.Here he shot in gondolas up and down the winding thoroughfare of the Grand Canal,and loitered on calle and piazza at night,when the lagunes were undisturbed by a ripple,and no sound was to be heard but the stroke of the midnight clock.Afterwards he remained for weeks in the museums,galleries,and libraries of Vienna,Berlin,and Paris;and thence came home.

Time thus rolls us on to a February afternoon,divided by fifteen months from the parting of Elfride and her lover in the brown stubble field towards the sea.

Two men obviously not Londoners,and with a touch of foreignness in their look,met by accident on one of the gravel walks leading across Hyde Park.The younger,more given to looking about him than his fellow,saw and noticed the approach of his senior some time before the latter had raised his eyes from the ground,upon which they were bent in an abstracted gaze that seemed habitual with him.

Mr.Knight--indeed it is!exclaimed the younger man.

Ah,Stephen Smith!said Knight.

Simultaneous operations might now have been observed progressing in both,the result being that an expression less frank and impulsive than the first took possession of their features.It was manifest that the next words uttered were a superficial covering to constraint on both sides.

Have you been in England long?said Knight.

Only two days,said Smith.India ever since?

Nearly ever since.

They were making a fuss about you at St.Launces last year.I

fancy I saw something of the sort in the papers.

Yes;I believe something was said about me.

I must congratulate you on your achievements.

Thanks,but they are nothing very extraordinary.A natural professional progress where there was no opposition.

There followed that want of words which will always assert itself between nominal friends who find they have ceased to be real ones,and have not yet sunk to the level of mere acquaintance.Each looked up and down the Park.Knight may possibly have borne in mind during the intervening months Stephens manner towards him the last time they had met,and may have encouraged his former interest in Stephens welfare to die out of him as misplaced.

Stephen certainly was full of the feelings begotten by the belief that Knight had taken away the woman he loved so well.

Stephen Smith then asked a question,adopting a certain recklessness of manner and tone to hide,if possible,the fact that the subject was a much greater one to him than his friend had ever supposed.

Are you married?

I am not.

Knight spoke in an indescribable tone of bitterness that was almost moroseness.

And I never shall be,he added decisively.Are you?

No,said Stephen,sadly and quietly,like a man in a sick-room.

Totally ignorant whether or not Knight knew of his own previous claims upon Elfride,he yet resolved to hazard a few more words upon the topic which had an aching fascination for him even now.

Then your engagement to Miss Swancourt came to nothing,he said.

You remember I met you with her once?