书城公版A Pair of Blue Eyes


Really,Charlotte,said the vicar,you see as much in faces as Mr.Puff saw in Lord Burleighs nod.

Elfride could not but admire the beauty of her fellow countrywomen,especially since herself and her own few acquaintances had always been slightly sunburnt or marked on the back of the hands by a bramble-scratch at this time of the year.

And what lovely flowers and leaves they wear in their bonnets! she exclaimed.

Oh yes,returned Mrs.Swancourt.Some of them are even more striking in colour than any real ones.Look at that beautiful rose worn by the lady inside the rails.Elegant vine-tendrils introduced upon the stem as an improvement upon prickles,and all growing so naturally just over her ear--I say growing advisedly,for the pink of the petals and the pink of her handsome cheeks are equally from Natures hand to the eyes of the most casual observer.

But praise them a little,they do deserve it!said generous Elfride.

Well,I do.See how the Duchess of----waves to and fro in her seat,utilizing the sway of her landau by looking around only when her head is swung forward,with a passive pride which forbids a resistance to the force of circumstance.Look at the pretty pout on the mouths of that family there,retaining no traces of being arranged beforehand,so well is it done.Look at the demure close of the little fists holding the parasols;the tiny alert thumb,sticking up erect against the ivory stem as knowing as can be,the satin of the parasol invariably matching the complexion of the face beneath it,yet seemingly by an accident,which makes the thing so attractive.Theres the red book lying on the opposite seat,bespeaking the vast numbers of their acquaintance.And I particularly admire the aspect of that abundantly daughtered woman on the other side--I mean her look of unconsciousness that the girls are stared at by the walkers,and above all the look of the girls themselves--losing their gaze in the depths of handsome mens eyes without appearing to notice whether they are observing masculine eyes or the leaves of the trees.Theres praise for you.But I am only jesting,child--you know that.

Piph-ph-ph--how warm it is,to be sure!said Mr.Swancourt,as if his mind were a long distance from all he saw.I declare that my watch is so hot that I can scarcely bear to touch it to see what the time is,and all the world smells like the inside of a hat.

How the men stare at you,Elfride!said the elder lady.You will kill me quite,I am afraid.

Kill you?

As a diamond kills an opal in the same setting.

I have noticed several ladies and gentlemen looking at me,said Elfride artlessly,showing her pleasure at being observed.

My dear,you mustnt say "gentlemen"nowadays,her stepmother answered in the tones of arch concern that so well became her ugliness.We have handed over "gentlemen"to the lower middle class,where the word is still to be heard at tradesmens balls and provincial tea-parties,I believe.It is done with here.

What must I say,then?

"Ladies and MEN"always.

At this moment appeared in the stream of vehicles moving in the contrary direction a chariot presenting in its general surface the rich indigo hue of a midnight sky,the wheels and margins being picked out in delicate lines of ultramarine;the servants

liveries were dark-blue coats and silver lace,and breeches of neutral Indian red.The whole concern formed an organic whole,and moved along behind a pair of dark chestnut geldings,who advanced in an indifferently zealous trot,very daintily performed,and occasionally shrugged divers points of their veiny surface as if they were rather above the business.

In this sat a gentleman with no decided characteristics more than that he somewhat resembled a good-natured commercial traveller of the superior class.Beside him was a lady with skim-milky eyes and complexion,belonging to the "interesting"class of women,where that class merges in the sickly,her greatest pleasure being apparently to enjoy nothing.Opposite this pair sat two little girls in white hats and blue feathers.

The lady saw Elfride,smiled and bowed,and touched her husbands elbow,who turned and received Elfrides movement of recognition with a gallant elevation of his hat.Then the two children held up their arms to Elfride,and laughed gleefully.

Who is that?

Why,Lord Luxellian,isnt it?said Mrs.Swancourt,who with the vicar had been seated with her back towards them.

Yes,replied Elfride.He is the one man of those I have seen here whom I consider handsomer than papa.

Thank you,dear,said Mr.Swancourt.

Yes;but your father is so much older.When Lord Luxellian gets a little further on in life,he wont be half so good-looking as our man.

Thank you,dear,likewise,said Mr.Swancourt.

See,exclaimed Elfride,still looking towards them,how those little dears want me!Actually one of them is crying for me to come.

We were talking of bracelets just now.Look at Lady Luxellians,said Mrs.Swancourt,as that baroness lifted up her arm to support one of the children.It is slipping up her arm--

too large by half.I hate to see daylight between a bracelet and a wrist;I wonder women havent better taste.

It is not on that account,indeed,Elfride expostulated.It is that her arm has got thin,poor thing.You cannot think how much she has altered in this last twelvemonth.

The carriages were now nearer together,and there was an exchange of more familiar greetings between the two families.Then the Luxellians crossed over and drew up under the plane-trees,just in the rear of the Swancourts.Lord Luxellian alighted,and came forward with a musical laugh.

It was his attraction as a man.People liked him for those tones,and forgot that he had no talents.Acquaintances remembered Mr.

Swancourt by his manner;they remembered Stephen Smith by his face,Lord Luxellian by his laugh.

Mr.Swancourt made some friendly remarks--among others things upon the heat.