书城公版A Pair of Blue Eyes


Do you remember,darling,that first morning of my arrival at your house,when your father read at prayers the miracle of healing the sick of the palsy--where he is told to take up his bed and walk?I do,and I can now so well realize the force of that passage.The smallest piece of mat is the bed of the Oriental,and yesterday I saw a native perform the very action,which reminded me to mention it.But you are better read than I,and perhaps you knew all this long ago.One day I bought some small native idols to send home to you as curiosities,but afterwards finding they had been cast in England,made to look old,and shipped over,I threw them away in disgust.

Speaking of this reminds me that we are obliged to import all our house-building ironwork from England.Never was such foresight required to be exercised in building houses as here.Before we begin,we have to order every column,lock,hinge,and screw that will be required.We cannot go into the next street,as in London,and get them cast at a minutes notice.Mr.L.says somebody will have to go to England very soon and superintend the selection of a large order of this kind.I only wish I may be the man.

There before her lay the deposit-receipt for the two hundred pounds,and beside it the elegant present of Knight.Elfride grew cold--then her cheeks felt heated by beating blood.If by destroying the piece of paper the whole transaction could have been withdrawn from her experience,she would willingly have sacrificed the money it represented.She did not know what to do in either case.She almost feared to let the two articles lie in juxtaposition:so antagonistic were the interests they represented that a miraculous repulsion of one by the other was almost to be expected.

That day she was seen little of.By the evening she had come to a resolution,and acted upon it.The packet was sealed up--with a tear of regret as she closed the case upon the pretty forms it contained--directed,and placed upon the writing-table in Knights room.And a letter was written to Stephen,stating that as yet she hardly understood her position with regard to the money sent;but declaring that she was ready to fulfil her promise to marry him.After this letter had been written she delayed posting it--although never ceasing to feel strenuously that the deed must be done.

Several days passed.There was another Indian letter for Elfride.

Coming unexpectedly,her father saw it,but made no remark--why,she could not tell.The news this time was absolutely overwhelming.Stephen,as he had wished,had been actually chosen as the most fitting to execute the iron-work commission he had alluded to as impending.This duty completed he would have three monthsleave.His letter continued that he should follow it in a week,and should take the opportunity to plainly ask her father to permit the engagement.Then came a page expressive of his delight and hers at the reunion;and finally,the information that he would write to the shipping agents,asking them to telegraph and tell her when the ship bringing him home should be in sight--knowing how acceptable such information would be.

Elfride lived and moved now as in a dream.Knight had at first become almost angry at her persistent refusal of his offering--and no less with the manner than the fact of it.But he saw that she began to look worn and ill--and his vexation lessened to simple perplexity.

He ceased now to remain in the house for long hours together as before,but made it a mere centre for antiquarian and geological excursions in the neighbourhood.Throw up his cards and go away he fain would have done,but could not.And,thus,availing himself of the privileges of a relative,he went in and out the premises as fancy led him--but still lingered on.

I dont wish to stay here another day if my presence is distasteful,he said one afternoon.At first you used to imply that I was severe with you;and when I am kind you treat me unfairly.

No,no.Dont say so.