
"Doctors and the whole crew of quacks collectively, and also, of course, individually.I don't believe in medicine.It's a useless institution.I mean to go into all that.But what's that sentimentality you've got up there? The whole class seems to be there every day.""Not the whole class: it's only ten of our fellows who go to see him every day.There's nothing in that.""What I don't understand in all this is the part that Alexey Karamazov is taking in it.His brother's going to be tried to-morrow or next day for such a crime, and yet he has so much time to spend on sentimentality with boys.""There's no sentimentality about it.You are going yourself now to make it up with Ilusha.""Make it up with him? What an absurd expression! But I allow no one to analyse my actions.""And how pleased Ilusha will be to see you! He has no idea that you are coming.Why was it, why was it you wouldn't come all this time?" Smurov cried with sudden warmth.

"My dear boy, that's my business, not yours.

I am going of myself because I choose to, but you've all been hauled there by Alexey Karamazov- there's a difference, you know.

And how do you know? I may not be going to make it up at all.It's a stupid expression.""It's not Karamazov at all; it's not his doing.Our fellows began going there of themselves.Of course, they went with Karamazov at first.And there's been nothing of that sort of silliness.First one went, and then another.His father was awfully pleased to see us.You know he will simply go out of his mind if Ilusha dies.He sees that Ilusha's dying.And he seems so glad we've made it up with Ilusha.Ilusha asked after you, that was all.He just asks and says no more.His father will go out of his mind or hang himself.He behaved like a madman before.You know he is a very decent man.We made a mistake then.It's all the fault of that murderer who beat him then.""Karamazov's a riddle to me all the same.I might have made his acquaintance long ago, but I like to have a proper pride in some cases.Besides, I have a theory about him which I must work out and verify."Kolya subsided into dignified silence.Smurov, too, was silent.

Smurov, of course, worshipped Krassotkin and never dreamed of putting himself on a level with him.Now he was tremendously interested at Kolya's saying that he was "going of himself" to see Ilusha.He felt that there must be some mystery in Kolya's suddenly taking it into his head to go to him that day.They crossed the market-place, in which at that hour were many loaded wagons from the country and a great number of live fowls.The market women were selling rolls, cottons and threads, etc., in their booths.These Sunday markets were naively called "fairs" in the town, and there were many such fairs in the year.

Perezvon ran about in the wildest spirits, sniffing about first one side, then the other.When he met other dogs they zealously smelt each other over according to the rules of canine etiquette.

"I like to watch such realistic scenes, Smurov," said Kolya suddenly."Have you noticed how dogs sniff at one another when they meet? It seems to be a law of their nature.""Yes; it's a funny habit."

"No, it's not funny; you are wrong there.There's nothing funny in nature, however funny it may seem to man with his prejudices.If dogs could reason and criticise us they'd be sure to find just as much that would be funny to them, if not far more, in the social relations of men, their masters- far more, indeed.I repeat that, because I am convinced that there is far more foolishness among us.

That's Rakitin's idea- a remarkable idea.I am a Socialist, Smurov.""And what is a Socialist?" asked Smurov.

"That's when all are equal and all have property in common, there are no marriages, and everyone has any religion and laws he likes best, and all the rest of it.You are not old enough to understand that yet.It's cold, though.""Yes, twelve degrees of frost.Father looked at the thermometer just now.""Have you noticed, Smurov, that in the middle of winter we don't feel so cold even when there are fifteen or eighteen degrees of frost as we do now, in the beginning of winter, when there is a sudden frost of twelve degrees, especially when there is not much snow.

It's because people are not used to it.Everything is habit with men, everything even in their social and political relations.Habit is the great motive-power.What a funny-looking peasant!"Kolya pointed to a tall peasant, with a good-natured countenance in a long sheepskin coat, who was standing by his wagon, clapping together his hands, in their shapeless leather gloves, to warm them.

His long fair beard was all white with frost.

"That peasant's beard's frozen," Kolya cried in a loud provocative voice as he passed him.

"Lots of people's beards are frozen," the peasant replied, calmly and sententiously.

"Don't provoke him," observed Smurov.

"It's all right; he won't be cross; he's a nice fellow.

Good-bye, Matvey."


"Is your name Matvey?"

"Yes.Didn't you know?"

"No, I didn't.It was a guess."

"You don't say so! You are a schoolboy, I suppose?""Yes."

"You get whipped, I expect?"

"Nothing to speak of- sometimes."

"Does it hurt?"

"Well, yes, it does."

"Ech, what a life!" The peasant heaved a sigh from the bottom of his heart.

"Good-bye, Matvey."

"Good-bye.You are a nice chap, that you are."The boys went on.

"That was a nice peasant," Kolya observed to Smurov."I like talking to the peasants, and am always glad to do them justice.""Why did you tell a lie, pretending we are thrashed?" asked Smurov.

"I had to say that to please him."

"How do you mean?"

"You know, Smurov, I don't like being asked the same thing twice.I like people to understand at the first word.Some things can't be explained.According to a peasant's notions, schoolboys are whipped, and must be whipped.What would a schoolboy be if he were not whipped? And if I were to tell him we are not, he'd be disappointed.