Whig Refugees on the Continent Their Correspondents in England Characters of the leading Refugees; Ayloffe; Wade Goodenough; Rumbold Lord Grey Monmouth Ferguson Scotch Refugees; Earl of Argyle Sir Patrick Hume; Sir John Cochrane; Fletcher of Saltoun Unreasonable Conduct of the Scotch Refugees Arrangement for an Attempt on England and Scotland John Locke Preparations made by Government for the Defence of Scotland Conversation of James with the Dutch Ambassadors; Ineffectual Attempts to prevent Argyle from sailing Departure of Argyle from Holland; He lands in Scotland His Disputes with his Followers Temper of the Scotch Nation Argyle's Forces dispersed Argyle a Prisoner His Execution.
Execution of Rumbold Death of Ayloffe Devastation of Argyleshire Ineffectual Attempts to prevent Monmouth from leaving Holland His Arrival at Lyme His Declaration His Popularity in the West of England Encounter of the Rebels with the Militia at Bridport Encounter of the Rebels with the Militia at Axminster; News of the Rebellion carried to London; Loyalty of the Parliament Reception of Monmouth at Taunton He takes the Title of King His Reception at Bridgewater Preparations of the Government to oppose him His Design on Bristol He relinquishes that Design Skirmish at Philip's Norton; Despondence of Monmouth He returns to Bridgewater; The Royal Army encamps at Sedgemoor Battle of Sedgemoor Pursuit of the Rebels Military Executions; Flight of Monmouth His Capture His Letter to the King; He is carried to London His Interview with the King His Execution His Memory cherished by the Common People Cruelties of the Soldiers in the West; Kirke Jeffreys sets out on the Western Circuit Trial of Alice Lisle The Bloody Assizes Abraham Holmes Christopher Battiseombe; The Hewlings Punishment of Tutchin Rebels Transported Confiscation and Extortion Rapacity of the Queen and her Ladies Grey; Cochrane; Storey Wade, Goodenough, and Ferguson Jeffreys made Lord Chancellor Trial and Execution of Cornish Trials and Executions of Fernley and Elizabeth Gaunt Trial and Execution of Bateman Persecution of the Protestant Dissenters HISTORY OF ENGLAND.