书城公版Two Gentlemen of Verona

第21章 Exeunt SCENE III. The same.

Enter EGLAMOUR EGLAMOUR This is the hour that Madam Silvia Entreated me to call and know her mind:

There's some great matter she'ld employ me in.

Madam, madam!

Enter SILVIA above SILVIA Who calls? EGLAMOUR Your servant and your friend;

One that attends your ladyship's command. SILVIA Sir Eglamour, a thousand times good morrow. EGLAMOUR As many, worthy lady, to yourself:

According to your ladyship's impose, I am thus early come to know what service It is your pleasure to command me in. SILVIA O Eglamour, thou art a gentleman--Think not I flatter, for I swear I do not--Valiant, wise, remorseful, well accomplish'd:

Thou art not ignorant what dear good will I bear unto the banish'd Valentine, Nor how my father would enforce me marry Vain Thurio, whom my very soul abhors.

Thyself hast loved; and I have heard thee say No grief did ever come so near thy heart As when thy lady and thy true love died, Upon whose grave thou vow'dst pure chastity.

Sir Eglamour, I would to Valentine, To Mantua, where I hear he makes abode;

And, for the ways are dangerous to pass, I do desire thy worthy company, Upon whose faith and honour I repose.

Urge not my father's anger, Eglamour, But think upon my grief, a lady's grief, And on the justice of my flying hence, To keep me from a most unholy match, Which heaven and fortune still rewards with plagues.

I do desire thee, even from a heart As full of sorrows as the sea of sands, To bear me company and go with me:

If not, to hide what I have said to thee, That I may venture to depart alone. EGLAMOUR Madam, I pity much your grievances;

Which since I know they virtuously are placed, I give consent to go along with you, Recking as little what betideth me As much I wish all good befortune you.

When will you go? SILVIA This evening coming. EGLAMOUR Where shall I meet you? SILVIA At Friar Patrick's cell, Where I intend holy confession. EGLAMOUR I will not fail your ladyship. Good morrow, gentle lady. SILVIA Good morrow, kind Sir Eglamour.