
第47章 VII - THE BLAST - 1875

It's rainin'. Weet's the gairden sod, Weet the lang roads whaur gangrels plod -

A maist unceevil thing o' God In mid July -

If ye'll just curse the sneckdraw, dod!

An' sae wull I!

He's a braw place in Heev'n, ye ken, An' lea's us puir, forjaskit men Clamjamfried in the but and ben He ca's the earth -

A wee bit inconvenient den No muckle worth;

An' whiles, at orra times, keeks out, Sees what puir mankind are about;

An' if He can, I've little doubt, Upsets their plans;

He hates a' mankind, brainch and root, An' a' that's man's.

An' whiles, whan they tak heart again, An' life i' the sun looks braw an' plain, Doun comes a jaw o' droukin' rain Upon their honours -

God sends a spate outower the plain, Or mebbe thun'ers.

Lord safe us, life's an unco thing!

Simmer an' Winter, Yule an' Spring, The damned, dour-heartit seasons bring A feck o' trouble.

I wadnae try't to be a king -

No, nor for double.

But since we're in it, willy-nilly, We maun be watchfu', wise an' skilly, An' no mind ony ither billy, Lassie nor God.

But drink - that's my best counsel till 'e:

Sae tak the nod.