第53章 Part 4(13)

During this time the younger people of the town came frequently pretty near them,and would stand and look at them,and sometimes talk with them at some space between;and particularly it was observed that the first Sabbath-day the poor people kept retired,worshipped God together,and were heard to sing psalms.

These things,and a quiet,inoffensive behaviour,began to get them the good opinion of the country,and people began to pity them and speak very well of them;the consequence of which was,that upon the occasion of a very wet,rainy night,a certain gentleman who lived in the neighbourhood sent them a little cart with twelve trusses or bundles of straw,as well for them to lodge upon as to cover and thatch their huts and to keep them dry.The minister of a parish not far off,not knowing of the other,sent them also about two bushels of wheat and half a bushel of white peas.

They were very thankful,to be sure,for this relief,and particularly the straw was a -very great comfort to them;for though the ingenious carpenter had made frames for them to lie in like troughs,and filled them with leaves of trees,and such things as they could get,and had cut all their tent-cloth out to make them coverlids,yet they lay damp and hard and unwholesome till this straw came,which was to them like feather-beds,and,as John said,more welcome than feather-beds would have been at another time.

This gentleman and the minister having thus begun,and given an example of charity to these wanderers,others quickly followed,and they received every day some benevolence or other from the people,but chiefly from the gentlemen who dwelt in the country round them.

Some sent them chairs,stools,tables,and such household things as they gave notice they wanted;some sent them blankets,rugs,and coverlids,some earthenware,and some kitchen ware for ordering their food.

Encouraged by this good usage,their carpenter in a few days built them a large shed or house with rafters,and a roof in form,and an upper floor,in which they lodged warm:for the weather began to be damp and cold in the beginning of September.But this house,being well thatched,and the sides and roof made very thick,kept out the cold well enough.He made,also,an earthen wall at one end with a chimney in it,and another of the company,with a vast deal of trouble and pains,made a funnel to the chimney to carry out the smoke.

Here they lived comfortably,though coarsely,till the beginning of September,when they had the bad news to hear,whether true or not,that the plague,which was very hot at Waltham Abbey on one side and at Rumford and Brentwood on the other side,was also coming to Epping,to Woodford,and to most of the towns upon the Forest,and which,as they said,was brought down among them chiefly by the higlers,and such people as went to and from London with provisions.

If this was true,it was an evident contradiction to that report which was afterwards spread all over England,but which,as I have said,Icannot confirm of my own knowledge:namely,that the market-people carrying provisions to the city never got the infection or carried it back into the country;both which,I have been assured,has been false.