Half an hour later she learned from her maid that Madame Catherine had arrived in a cab and had departed again with the signorina.On going to the drawing-room before dinner she found the Countess Gemini alone, and this lady characterized the incident by exclaiming, with a wonderful toss of the head, "En voila, ma chere, une pose!" But if it was an affectation she was at a loss to see what her husband affected.She could only dimly perceive that he had more traditions than she supposed.It had become her habit to be so careful as to what she said to him that, strange as it may appear, she hesitated, for several minutes after he had come in, to allude to his daughter's sudden departure: she spoke of it only after they were seated at table.But she had forbidden herself ever to ask Osmond a question.All she could do was to make a declaration, and there was one that came very naturally."I shall miss Pansy very much."He looked a while, with his head inclined a little, at the basket of flowers in the middle of the table."Ah yes," he said at last, "Ihad thought of that.You must go and see her, you know; but not too often.I dare say you wonder why I sent her to the good sisters; but Idoubt if I can make you understand.It doesn't matter; don't trouble yourself about it.That's why I had not spoken of it.I didn't believe you would enter into it.But I've always had the idea; I've always thought it a part of the education of one's daughter.One's daughter should be fresh and fair; she should be innocent and gentle.With the manners of the present time she is liable to become so dusty and crumpled.Pansy's a little dusty, a little dishevelled; she has knocked about too much.This bustling, pushing rabble that calls itself society-one should take her out of it occasionally.Convents are very quiet, very convenient, very salutary.I like to think of her there, in the old garden, under the arcade, among those tranquil virtuous women.Many of them are gentlewomen born; several of them are noble.She will have her books and her drawing, she will have her piano.I've made the most liberal arrangements.There is to be nothing ascetic; there's just to be a certain little sense of sequestration.
She'll have time to think, and there's something I want her to think about." Osmond spoke deliberately, reasonably, still with his head on one side, as if he were looking at the basket of flowers.His tone, however, was that of a man not so much offering an explanation as putting a thing into words-almost into pictures-to see, himself, how it would look.He considered a while the picture he had evoked and seemed greatly pleased with it.And then he went on: "The Catholics are very wise after all.The convent is a great institution; we can't do without it; it corresponds to an essential need in families, in society.It's a school of good manners; it's a school of repose.Oh, I don't want to detach my daughter from the world,"he added; "I don't want to make her fix her thoughts on any other.
This one's very well, as she should take it, and she may think of it as much as she likes.Only she must think of it in the right way."Isabel gave an extreme attention to this little sketch; she found it indeed intensely interesting.It seemed to show her how far her husband's desire to be effective was capable of going-to the point of playing theoretic tricks on the delicate organism of his daughter.She could not understand his purpose, no-not wholly; but she understood it better than he supposed or desired, inasmuch as she was convinced that the whole proceeding was an elaborate mystification, addressed to herself and destined to act upon her imagination.He had wanted to do something sudden and arbitrary, something unexpected and refined; to mark the difference between his sympathies and her own, and show that if he regarded his daughter as a precious work of art it was natural he should be more and more careful about the finishing touches.If he wished to be effective he had succeeded; the incident struck a chill into Isabel's heart.Pansy had known the convent in her childhood and had found a happy home there; she was fond of the good sisters, who were very fond of her, and there was therefore for the moment no definite hardship in her lot.But all the same the girl had taken fright; the impression her father desired to make would evidently be sharp enough.The old Protestant tradition had never faded from Isabel's imagination, and as her thoughts attached themselves to this striking example of her husband's genius-she sat looking, like him, at the basket of flowers-poor little Pansy became the heroine of a tragedy.Osmond wished it to be known that he shrank from nothing, and his wife found it hard to pretend to eat her dinner.There was a certain relief presently, in hearing the high, strained voice of her sister-in-law.
The Countess too, apparently, had been thinking the thing out, but had arrived at a different conclusion from Isabel.
"It's very absurd, my dear Osmond," she said, "to invent so many pretty reasons for poor Pansy's banishment.Why don't you say at once that you want to get her out of my way? Haven't you discovered that I think very well of Mr.Rosier? I do indeed; he seems to me simpaticissimo.He has made me believe in true love; I never did before! Of course you've made up your mind that with those convictions I'm dreadful company for Pansy."Osmond took a sip of a glass of wine; he looked perfectly good humoured."My dear Amy," he answered, smiling as if he were uttering a piece of gallantry, "I don't know anything about your convictions, but if I suspected that they interfere with mine it would be much simpler to banish you."